Variational Principles and Convergence of Finite Element Approximations of a Holonomic Elastic-Plastic Problem.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 49J40, 49J35, 58E30, 47H05We establish variational principles for monotone and maximal bifunctions of Brøndsted-Rockafellar type by using our characterization of bifunction’s maximality in reflexive Banach spaces. As applications, we give an existence result of saddle point for convex-concave function and solve an approximate inclusion governed by a maximal monotone operator.
We discuss properties (optimal regularity, nondegeneracy, smoothness of the free boundary etc.) of a variational interface problem involving the fractional Laplacian; due to the nonlocality of the Dirichlet problem, the task is nontrivial. This difficulty is bypassed by an extension formula, discovered by the first author and Silvestre, which reduces the study to that of a codimension 2 (degenerate) free boundary.
Existence of a solution of the problem of nonlinear elasticity with non-classical boundary conditions, when the relationship between the corresponding dual quantities is given in terms of a nonmonotone and generally multivalued relation. The mathematical formulation leads to a problem of non-smooth and nonconvex optimization, and in its weak form to hemivariational inequalities and to the determination of the so called substationary points of the given potential.
In this paper we consider a general class of systems determined by operator valued measures which are assumed to be countably additive in the strong operator topology. This replaces our previous assumption of countable additivity in the uniform operator topology by the weaker assumption. Under the relaxed assumption plus an additional assumption requiring the existence of a dominating measure, we prove some results on existence of solutions and their regularity properties both for linear and semilinear...
The aim of this paper is to summarize basic facts about -stable at a point vector functions and existing results for certain vector constrained programming problem with -stable data.
We examine how the use of typical techniques from non-convex vector variational problems can help in understanding optimal design problems in conductivity. After describing the main ideas of the underlying analysis and providing some standard material in an attempt to make the exposition self-contained, we show how those ideas apply to a typical optimal desing problem with two different conducting materials. Then we examine the equivalent relaxed formulation to end up with a new problem whose numerical...
We examine how the use of typical techniques from non-convex vector variational problems can help in understanding optimal design problems in conductivity. After describing the main ideas of the underlying analysis and providing some standard material in an attempt to make the exposition self-contained, we show how those ideas apply to a typical optimal desing problem with two different conducting materials. Then we examine the equivalent relaxed formulation to end up with a new problem whose numerical...
We verify functional a posteriori error estimates proposed by S. Repin for a class of obstacle problems in two space dimensions. New benchmarks with known analytical solution are constructed based on one dimensional benchmark introduced by P. Harasim and J. Valdman. Numerical approximation of the solution of the obstacle problem is obtained by the finite element method using bilinear elements on a rectangular mesh. Error of the approximation is measured by a functional majorant. The majorant value...