Existence of minimal energy configurations of nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation.
In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems with equilibrium constraints (SOPECs) described by parametric generalized equations in the form where both and are set-valued mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces. Such models particularly arise from certain optimization-related problems governed by set-valued variational inequalities and first-order optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming. We establish general results on the existence of optimal solutions under...
In this paper, we consider probability measures μ and ν on a d-dimensional sphere in and cost functions of the form that generalize those arising in geometric optics where We prove that if μ and ν vanish on -rectifiable sets, if |l'(t)|>0, and is monotone then there exists a unique optimal map To that transports μ onto where optimality is measured against c. Furthermore, Our approach is based on direct variational arguments. In the special case when existence of optimal maps...
Optimal nonanticipating controls are shown to exist in nonautonomous piecewise deterministic control problems with hard terminal restrictions. The assumptions needed are completely analogous to those needed to obtain optimal controls in deterministic control problems. The proof is based on well-known results on existence of deterministic optimal controls.
In this paper we examine nonlinear periodic systems driven by the vectorial -Laplacian and with a nondifferentiable, locally Lipschitz nonlinearity. Our approach is based on the nonsmooth critical point theory and uses the subdifferential theory for locally Lipschitz functions. We prove existence and multiplicity results for the “sublinear” problem. For the semilinear problem (i.e. ) using a nonsmooth multidimensional version of the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition, we prove an existence theorem...
In this paper we establish the existence of nontrivial solutions to with superlinear in .