On lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals
We give a new short proof of the Morrey-Acerbi-Fusco-Marcellini Theorem on lower semicontinuity of the variational functional . The proofs are based on arguments from the theory of Young measures.
We give a new short proof of the Morrey-Acerbi-Fusco-Marcellini Theorem on lower semicontinuity of the variational functional . The proofs are based on arguments from the theory of Young measures.
We consider noncoercive functionals on a reflexive Banach space and establish minimization theorems for such functionals on smooth constraint manifolds. The functionals considered belong to a class which includes semi-coercive, compact-coercive and P-coercive functionals. Some applications to nonlinear partial differential equations are given.
In the paper necessary optimality conditions are derived for the minimization of a locally Lipschitz objective with respect to the consttraints , where is a closed set and is a set-valued map. No convexity requirements are imposed on . The conditions are applied to a generalized mathematical programming problem and to an abstract finite-dimensional optimal control problem.
Studiamo un problema ellittico quasilineare concernente un dominio circondato da un rinforzo sottile di spessore variabile, in cui il coefficiente dell'equazione è (localmente) non costante. Esso concerne due diversi esponenti, uno nel dominio e l'altro nel rinforzo, una condizione di Dirichlelet sulla frontiera esterna e una condizione di trasmissione. Prediciamo il comportamento asintotico della soluzione quando lo spessore, insieme con il coefficiente nel rinforzo, tende a zero perché essi siano...
We consider a nonlinear evolution inclusion driven by an m-accretive operator which generates an equicontinuous nonlinear semigroup of contractions. We establish the existence of extremal integral solutions and we show that they form a dense, -subset of the solution set of the original Cauchy problem. As an application, we obtain “bang-bang”’ type theorems for two nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter control systems.
We deal with an optimal matching problem, that is, we want to transport two measures to a given place (the target set) where they will match, minimizing the total transport cost that in our case is given by the sum of two different multiples of the Euclidean distance that each measure is transported. We show that such a problem has a solution with an optimal matching measure supported in the target set. This result can be proved by an approximation procedure using a -Laplacian system. We prove...
The limit behavior of a periodic assembly of a finite number of elasto-plastic phases is investigated as the period becomes vanishingly small. A limit quasi-static evolution is derived through two-scale convergence techniques. It can be thermodynamically viewed as an elasto-plastic model, albeit with an infinite number of internal variables.