On the convergence of Laplace-Beltrami operators associated to quasiregular mappings
Si discretizza il problema dell'ostacolo parabolico con differenze all'indietro nel tempo ed elementi finiti lineari nello spazio e si dimostrano stime dell'errore per la frontiera libera discreta.
We study the covering dimension of the fixed point set of lower semicontinuous multifunctions of which many values can be non-closed or non-convex. An application to variational inequalities is presented.
In this paper we mathematically analyse an evolution variational inequality which formulates the double critical-state model for type-II superconductivity in 3D space and propose a finite element method to discretize the formulation. The double critical-state model originally proposed by Clem and Perez-Gonzalez is formulated as a model in 3D space which characterizes the nonlinear relation between the electric field, the electric current, the perpendicular component of the electric current...
Elements of general theory of infinitely prolonged underdetermined systems of ordinary differential equations are outlined and applied to the equivalence of one-dimensional constrained variational integrals. The relevant infinite-dimensional variant of Cartan’s moving frame method expressed in quite elementary terms proves to be surprisingly efficient in solution of particular equivalence problems, however, most of the principal questions of the general theory remains unanswered. New concepts of...
We consider nonlinear systems with a priori feedback. We establish the existence of admissible pairs and then we show that the Lagrange optimal control problem admits an optimal pair. As application we work out in detail two examples of optimal control problems for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations.
In questa Nota si continua la discussione iniziata in [4] dell'esistenza di soluzioni ottimali per problemi di ottimo controllo in . Si definiscono problemi generalizzati, e si ottengono estensioni di risultati già presentati in [4]. Si dimostrano anche varie relazioni tra le soluzioni ottimali dei problemi generalizzati e i problemi originali e non convessi di ottimo controllo. Alla fine si considerano problemi lineari nelle variabili di stato anche nel caso di costi funzionali a valori vettoriali...
We have given several proofs on the existence of the price equilibrium --- via variational inequality --- via degree theory and via Brouwer's theorems.
We prove the existence of viable solutions to the Cauchy problem x” ∈ F(x,x’), x(0) = x₀, x’(0) = y₀, where F is a set-valued map defined on a locally compact set , contained in the Fréchet subdifferential of a ϕ-convex function of order two.
We prove the existence of solutions to systems of degenerate variational inequalities.