Directional lipschitzian optimal solutions and directional derivative for the optimal value function in nonlinear mathematical programming
The optimal control of a mechanical system is of crucial importance in many application areas. Typical examples are the determination of a time-minimal path in vehicle dynamics, a minimal energy trajectory in space mission design, or optimal motion sequences in robotics and biomechanics. In most cases, some sort of discretization of the original, infinite-dimensional optimization problem has to be performed in order to make the problem amenable to computations. The approach proposed in this paper...
The optimal control of a mechanical system is of crucial importance in many application areas. Typical examples are the determination of a time-minimal path in vehicle dynamics, a minimal energy trajectory in space mission design, or optimal motion sequences in robotics and biomechanics. In most cases, some sort of discretization of the original, infinite-dimensional optimization problem has to be performed in order to make the problem amenable to computations. The approach proposed in this paper...
A dual-weighted residual approach for goal-oriented adaptive finite elements for a class of optimal control problems for elliptic variational inequalities is studied. The development is based on the concept of C-stationarity. The overall error representation depends on primal residuals weighted by approximate dual quantities and vice versa as well as various complementarity mismatch errors. Also, a priori bounds for C-stationary points and associated multipliers are derived. Details on the numerical...
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for solving an optimal boundary control problem of the Burgers' equation. The solving method is based on the transformation of the original problem into a homogeneous boundary conditions problem. This transforms the original problem into an optimal distributed control problem. The modal expansion technique is applied to the distributed control problem of the Burgers' equation to generate a low-dimensional dynamical system. The control parametrization method...
We address the problem of estimating quantile-based statistical functionals, when the measured or controlled entities depend on exogenous variables which are not under our control. As a suitable tool we propose the empirical process of the average regression quantiles. It partially masks the effect of covariates and has other properties convenient for applications, e.g. for coherent risk measures of various types in the situations with covariates.
We investigate finite element approximations of one-dimensional elliptic control problems. For semidiscretizations and full discretizations with piecewise constant controls we derive error estimates in the maximum norm.
The finite element approximation of optimal control problems for semilinear elliptic partial differential equation is considered, where the control belongs to a finite-dimensional set and state constraints are given in finitely many points of the domain. Under the standard linear independency condition on the active gradients and a strong second-order sufficient optimality condition, optimal error estimates are derived for locally optimal controls.
In this paper we derive a priori error estimates for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems with finite dimensional control space and state constraints in the whole domain, which can be written as semi-infinite optimization problems. Numerical experiments are conducted to ilustrate our theory.