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Chance constrained optimal beam design: Convex reformulation and probabilistic robust design

Jakub Kůdela, Pavel Popela (2018)


In this paper, we are concerned with a civil engineering application of optimization, namely the optimal design of a loaded beam. The developed optimization model includes ODE-type constraints and chance constraints. We use the finite element method (FEM) for the approximation of the ODE constraints. We derive a convex reformulation that transforms the problem into a linear one and find its analytic solution. Afterwards, we impose chance constraints on the stress and the deflection of the beam....

Configuration des lignes d'usinage à boîtiers multibroches : une approche mixte

Olga Guschinskaya, Alexandre Dolgui (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Ce travail porte sur l'optimisation des lignes d'usinage pour la grande série. Une telle ligne comporte plusieurs postes de travail, chacun étant équipé avec boîtiers multibroches. Un boîtier multibroche exécute plusieurs opérations en parallèle. Lors de la conception en avant-projet, il est nécessaire d'affecter toutes les opérations à des boîtiers et des postes de travail de sorte à minimiser le nombre de postes et de boîtiers utilisés. Pour ce nouveau problème d'équilibrage des lignes de production,...

Constrained optimization: A general tolerance approach

Tomáš Roubíček (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

To overcome the somewhat artificial difficulties in classical optimization theory concerning the existence and stability of minimizers, a new setting of constrained optimization problems (called problems with tolerance) is proposed using given proximity structures to define the neighbourhoods of sets. The infimum and the so-called minimizing filter are then defined by means of level sets created by these neighbourhoods, which also reflects the engineering approach to constrained optimization problems....

Contact between elastic bodies. II. Finite element analysis

Jaroslav Haslinger, Ivan Hlaváček (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the approximation of contact problems of two elastic bodies by finite element method. Using piecewise linear finite elements, some error estimates are derived, assuming that the exact solution is sufficiently smooth. If the solution is not regular, the convergence itself is proven. This analysis is given for two types of contact problems: with a bounded contact zone and with enlarging contact zone.

Contact between elastic perfectly plastic bodies

Jaroslav Haslinger, Ivan Hlaváček (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

If the material of the bodies is elastic perfectly plastic, obeying the Hencky's law, the formulation in terms of stresses is more suitable than that in displacements. The Haar-Kármán principle is first extended to the case of a unilateral contact between two bodies without friction. Approximations are proposed by means of piecewise constant triangular finite elements. Convergence of the method is proved for any regular family of triangulations.

Convergence analysis of adaptive trust region methods

Zhen-Jun Shi, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Jie Shen (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, we propose a new class of adaptive trust region methods for unconstrained optimization problems and develop some convergence properties. In the new algorithms, we use the current iterative information to define a suitable initial trust region radius at each iteration. The initial trust region radius is more reasonable in the sense that the trust region model and the objective function are more consistent at the current iterate. The global convergence, super-linear and quadratic convergence...

Convergence analysis of smoothing methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalities with control constraints

Anton Schiela, Daniel Wachsmuth (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In the article an optimal control problem subject to a stationary variational inequality is investigated. The optimal control problem is complemented with pointwise control constraints. The convergence of a smoothing scheme is analyzed. There, the variational inequality is replaced by a semilinear elliptic equation. It is shown that solutions of the regularized optimal control problem converge to solutions of the original one. Passing to the limit in the optimality system of the regularized problem...

Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functional

Gerd Wachsmuth, Daniel Wachsmuth (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Optimization problems with convex but non-smooth cost functional subject to an elliptic partial differential equation are considered. The non-smoothness arises from a L1-norm in the objective functional. The problem is regularized to permit the use of the semi-smooth Newton method. Error estimates with respect to the regularization parameter are provided. Moreover, finite element approximations are studied. A-priori as well as a-posteriori error estimates are developed and confirmed by numerical...

Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functional

Gerd Wachsmuth, Daniel Wachsmuth (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Optimization problems with convex but non-smooth cost functional subject to an elliptic partial differential equation are considered. The non-smoothness arises from a L1-norm in the objective functional. The problem is regularized to permit the use of the semi-smooth Newton method. Error estimates with respect to the regularization parameter are provided. Moreover, finite element approximations are studied. A-priori as well as a-posteriori error estimates are developed and confirmed by numerical...

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