Conjugate algebraic numbers on conics
Using a new characterization of the Lorentz quadrics, we establish a reformulation of the Special Relativity Theory.
Diversities are like metric spaces, except that every finite subset, instead of just every pair of points, is assigned a value. Just as there is a theory of minimal distortion embeddings of fiite metric spaces into L1, there is a similar, yet undeveloped, theory for embedding finite diversities into the diversity analogue of L1 spaces. In the metric case, it iswell known that an n-point metric space can be embedded into L1 withO(log n) distortion. For diversities, the optimal distortion is unknown....
Dedicated to the memory of S.M. Dodunekov (1945–2012)Abstract. Geometric puncturing is a method to construct new codes. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): E.4.∗This research was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under Contract Number 24540138.
The quotient singularities of dimensions two and three obtained from polyhedral groups and the corresponding binary polyhedral groups admit natural resolutions of singularities as Hilbert schemes of regular orbits whose exceptional fibres over the origin reveal similar properties. We construct a morphism between these two resolutions, contracting exactly the excess part of the exceptional fibre. This construction is motivated by the study of some pencils of K3 surfaces appearing as minimal resolutions...
There is proved that a convex maximal line in a median group , containing 0, is a direct factor of .