Packing 10 or 11 unit squares in a square.
Any collection of non-blocking four-dimensional cubes, whose total volume does not exceed 17/81, can be packed into the unit four-dimensional cube. This bound is tight for the parallel packing.
Let be a Minkowski space with a unit ball and let be the Hausdorff metric induced by in the hyperspace of convex bodies (nonempty, compact, convex subsets of ℝ). R. Schneider [RSP] characterized pairs of elements of which can be joined by unique metric segments with respect to for the Euclidean unit ball Bⁿ. We extend Schneider’s theorem to the hyperspace over any two-dimensional Minkowski space.
In this paper the notion of convex pairs of convex bounded subsets of a Hausdorff topological vector space is introduced. Criteria of convexity pair are proved.
Let be a family of rational polytopes parametrized by inequations. It is known that the volume of is a locally polynomial function of the parameters. Similarly, the number of integral points in is a locally quasi-polynomial function of the parameters. Paul-Émile Paradan proved a jump formula for this function, when crossing a wall. In this article, we give an algebraic proof of this formula. Furthermore, we give a residue formula for the jump, which enables us to compute it.
Jean-Marc Richard observed in [7] that maximal perimeter of a parallelogram inscribed in a given ellipse can be realized by a parallelogram with one vertex at any prescribed point of ellipse. Alain Connes and Don Zagier gave in [4] probably the most elementary proof of this property of ellipse. Another proof can be found in [1]. In this note we prove that closed, convex curves having circles as π/2-isoptics have the similar property.