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Pairs of convex bodies in a hyperspace over a Minkowski two-dimensional space joined by a unique metric segment

Agnieszka Bogdewicz, Jerzy Grzybowski (2009)

Banach Center Publications

Let ( , | | · | | ) be a Minkowski space with a unit ball and let ϱ H be the Hausdorff metric induced by | | · | | in the hyperspace of convex bodies (nonempty, compact, convex subsets of ℝ). R. Schneider [RSP] characterized pairs of elements of which can be joined by unique metric segments with respect to ϱ H B for the Euclidean unit ball Bⁿ. We extend Schneider’s theorem to the hyperspace ( ² , ϱ H ) over any two-dimensional Minkowski space.

Pairs of sets with convex union.

Ryszard Urbanski (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper the notion of convex pairs of convex bounded subsets of a Hausdorff topological vector space is introduced. Criteria of convexity pair are proved.

Paradan’s wall crossing formula for partition functions and Khovanski-Pukhlikov differential operator

Arzu Boysal, Michèle Vergne (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let P ( s ) be a family of rational polytopes parametrized by inequations. It is known that the volume of P ( s ) is a locally polynomial function of the parameters. Similarly, the number of integral points in P ( s ) is a locally quasi-polynomial function of the parameters. Paul-Émile Paradan proved a jump formula for this function, when crossing a wall. In this article, we give an algebraic proof of this formula. Furthermore, we give a residue formula for the jump, which enables us to compute it.

Parallelograms inscribed in a curve having a circle as π/2-isoptic

Andrzej Miernowski (2008)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

Jean-Marc Richard observed in [7] that maximal perimeter of a parallelogram inscribed in a given ellipse can be realized by a parallelogram with one vertex at any prescribed point of ellipse. Alain Connes and Don Zagier gave in [4] probably the most elementary proof of this property of ellipse. Another proof can be found in [1]. In this note we prove that closed, convex curves having circles as π/2-isoptics have the similar property.

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