Displaying 461 – 480 of 1303

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Local reduction theorems and invariants for singular contact structures

Bronislaw Jakubczyk, Michail Zhitomirskii (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A differential 1-form on a ( 2 k + 1 ) -dimensional manifolds M defines a singular contact structure if the set S of points where the contact condition is not satisfied, S = { p M : ( ω ( d ω ) k ( p ) = 0 } , is nowhere dense in M . Then S is a hypersurface with singularities and the restriction of ω to S can be defined. Our first theorem states that in the holomorphic, real-analytic, and smooth categories the germ of Pfaffian equation ( ω ) generated by ω is determined, up to a diffeomorphism, by its restriction to S , if we eliminate certain degenerated singularities...

Locally symmetric immersions

José Carmelo González-Dávila, Lieven Vanhecke (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We use reflections with respect to submanifolds and related geometric results to develop, inspired by the work of Ferus and other authors, in a unified way a local theory of extrinsic symmetric immersions and submanifolds in a general analytic Riemannian manifold and in locally symmetric spaces. In particular we treat the case of real and complex space forms and study additional relations with holomorphic and symplectic reflections when the ambient space is almost Hermitian. The global case is also...

Margulis Lemma, entropy and free products

Filippo Cerocchi (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a Margulis’ Lemma à la Besson-Courtois-Gallot, for manifolds whose fundamental group is a nontrivial free product A * B , without 2-torsion. Moreover, if A * B is torsion-free we give a lower bound for the homotopy systole in terms of upper bounds on the diameter and the volume-entropy. We also provide examples and counterexamples showing the optimality of our assumption. Finally we give two applications of this result: a finiteness theorem and a volume estimate for reducible manifolds.

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 1303