Displaying 41 – 60 of 61

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A Useful Characterization of Some Real Hypersurfaces in a Nonflat Complex Space Form

Takehiro Itoh, Sadahiro Maeda (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We characterize totally η-umbilic real hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form M̃ₙ(c) (= ℂPⁿ(c) or ℂHⁿ(c)) and a real hypersurface of type (A₂) of radius π/(2√c) in ℂPⁿ(c) by observing the shape of some geodesics on those real hypersurfaces as curves in the ambient manifolds (Theorems 1 and 2).

Almost invariant submanifolds for compact group actions

Alan Weinstein (2000)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We define a C 1 distance between submanifolds of a riemannian manifold M and show that, if a compact submanifold N is not moved too much under the isometric action of a compact group G , there is a G -invariant submanifold C 1 -close to N . The proof involves a procedure of averaging nearby submanifolds of riemannian manifolds in a symmetric way. The procedure combines averaging techniques of Cartan, Grove/Karcher, and de la Harpe/Karoubi with Whitney’s idea of realizing submanifolds as zeros of sections...

An Arzela-Ascoli theorem for immersed submanifolds

Graham Smith (2007)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The classical Arzela-Ascoli theorem is a compactness result for families of functions depending on bounds on the derivatives of the functions, and is of invaluable use in many fields of mathematics. In this paper, inspired by a result of Corlette, we prove an analogous compactness result for families of immersed submanifolds which depends only on bounds on the derivatives of the second fundamental forms of these submanifolds. We then show how the result of Corlette may be obtained as an immediate...

An improved Chen-Ricci inequality for special slant submanifolds in Kenmotsu space forms

Simona Costache, Iuliana Zamfir (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

B. Y. Chen [Arch. Math. (Basel) 74 (2000), 154-160] proved a geometrical inequality for Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms in terms of the Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature. Recently, this Chen-Ricci inequality was improved in [Int. Electron. J. Geom. 2 (2009), 39-45]. On the other hand, K. Arslan et al. [Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 29 (2002), 719-726] established a Chen-Ricci inequality for submanifolds, in particular in contact slant submanifolds, in Kenmotsu...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 61