Displaying 521 – 540 of 554

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Transversally symmetric immersions

José Carmelo González-Dávila, M. C. González-Dávila, Lieven Vanhecke (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

We introduce the notions of (extrinsic) locally transversally symmetric immersions and submanifolds in a Riemannian manifold equipped with a unit Killing vector field as analogues of those of (extrinsic) locally symmetric immersions and submanifolds. We treat their geometric properties, derive several characterizations and give a list of examples.

Un théorème d'unicité de l'hélicoïde

Eric Toubiana (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous montrons qu’une surface minimale complété, plongée dans R 3 / Z , de courbure totale finie et homéomorphe a S 2 moins deux points est l’hélicoïde.

Unduloids and their geometry

Mariana Hadzhilazova, Ivaïlo M. Mladenov, John Oprea (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we consider non-compact cylinder-like surfaces called unduloids and study some aspects of their geometry. In particular, making use of a Kenmotsu-type representation of these surfaces, we derive explicit formulas for the lengths and areas of arbitrary segments, along with a formula for the volumes enclosed by them.

Universal spaces for manifolds equipped with an integral closed k -form

Hông-Vân Lê (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this note we prove that any integral closed k -form φ k , k 3 , on a m-dimensional manifold M m , m k , is the restriction of a universal closed k -form h k on a universal manifold U d ( m , k ) as a result of an embedding of M m to U d ( m , k ) .

Variational problems and PDEs in affine differential geometry

H. Z. Li (2005)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is part of the autumn school on "Variational problems and higher order PDEs for affine hypersurfaces". We discuss variational problems in equiaffine differential geometry, centroaffine differential geometry and relative differential geometry, which have been studied by Blaschke [Bla], Chern [Ch], C. P. Wang [W], Li-Li-Simon [LLS], and Calabi [Ca-II]. We first derive the Euler-Lagrange equations in these settings; these equations are complicated, strongly nonlinear fourth order PDEs. We...

Warped Product CR-Submanifolds in Lorentzian para Sasakian Manifolds

Uddin, Siraj (2010)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C15, 53C40, 53C42.Many research articles have recently appeared exploring existence or non existence of warped product submanifolds in known spaces (cf. [2, 5, 8]). The objective of the present paper is to study the existence or non-existence of contact CR-warped products in the setting of LP-Sasakian manifolds.This work is supported by the research grant RG117/10AFR (University of Malaya).

Warped product submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds with a slant factor

Bayram Sahin (2009)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Recently, we showed that there exist no warped product semi-slant submanifolds in Kaehler manifolds. On the other hand, Carriazo introduced anti-slant submanifolds as a particular class of bi-slant submanifolds. In this paper, we study such submanifolds in detail and show that they are useful to define a new kind of warped product submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds. In this direction, we obtain the existence of warped product hemi-slant (anti-slant) submanifolds with examples. We give a characterization...

Weingarten hypersurfaces of the spherical type in Euclidean spaces

Cid D. F. Machado, Carlos M. C. Riveros (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We generalize a parametrization obtained by A. V. Corro in (2006) in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. Using this parametrization we study a class of oriented hypersurfaces M n , n 2 , in Euclidean space satisfying a relation r = 1 n ( - 1 ) r + 1 r f r - 1 n r H r = 0 , where H r is the r th mean curvature and f C ( M n ; ) , these hypersurfaces are called Weingarten hypersurfaces of the spherical type. This class of hypersurfaces includes the surfaces of the spherical type (Laguerré minimal surfaces). We characterize these hypersurfaces in terms of harmonic...

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 554