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On some classes of spaces with the D -property

Juan Carlos Martínez (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We shall prove that under CH every regular meta-Lindelöf P -space which is locally D has the D -property. In addition, we shall prove that a regular submeta-Lindelöf P -space is D if it is locally D and has locally extent at most ω 1 . Moreover, these results can be extended from the class of locally D -spaces to the wider class of 𝔻 -scattered spaces. Also, we shall give a direct proof (without using topological games) of the result shown by Peng [On spaces which are D, linearly D and transitively D, Topology...

On subspaces of pseudo-radial spaces

Jin Yuan Zhou (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is proved that, under the Martin’s Axiom, every T 1 -space with countable tightness is a subspace of some pseudo-radial space. We also give several characterizations of subspaces of pseudo-radial spaces and conclude that being a subspace of a pseudo-radial space is a local property.

On the Compactness and Countable Compactness of 2 in ZF

Kyriakos Keremedis, Evangelos Felouzis, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In the framework of ZF (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice) we provide topological and Boolean-algebraic characterizations of the statements " 2 is countably compact" and " 2 is compact"

On the convergence and character spectra of compact spaces

István Juhász, William A. R. Weiss (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

An infinite set A in a space X converges to a point p (denoted by A → p) if for every neighbourhood U of p we have |A∖U| < |A|. We call cS(p,X) = |A|: A ⊂ X and A → p the convergence spectrum of p in X and cS(X) = ⋃cS(x,X): x ∈ X the convergence spectrum of X. The character spectrum of a point p ∈ X is χS(p,X) = χ(p,Y): p is non-isolated in Y ⊂ X, and χS(X) = ⋃χS(x,X): x ∈ X is the character spectrum of X. If κ ∈ χS(p,X) for a compactum X then κ,cf(κ) ⊂ cS(p,X). A selection of our results (X...

On the extent of separable, locally compact, selectively (a)-spaces

Samuel G. da Silva (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The author has recently shown (2014) that separable, selectively (a)-spaces cannot include closed discrete subsets of size . It follows that, assuming CH, separable selectively (a)-spaces necessarily have countable extent. However, in the same paper it is shown that the weaker hypothesis " 2 < 2 " is not enough to ensure the countability of all closed discrete subsets of such spaces. In this paper we show that if one adds the hypothesis of local compactness, a specific effective (i.e., Borel) parametrized...

On the open-open game

Peg Daniels, Kenneth Kunen, Haoxuan Zhou (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We modify a game due to Berner and Juhász to get what we call “the open-open game (of length ω)”: a round consists of player I choosing a nonempty open subset of a space X and II choosing a nonempty open subset of I’s choice; I wins if the union of II’s open sets is dense in X, otherwise II wins. This game is of interest for ccc spaces. It can be translated into a game on partial orders (trees and Boolean algebras, for example). We present basic results and various conditions under which I or II...

On ω -resolvable and almost- ω -resolvable spaces

J. Angoa, M. Ibarra, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We continue the study of almost- ω -resolvable spaces beginning in A. Tamariz-Mascar’ua, H. Villegas-Rodr’ıguez, Spaces of continuous functions, box products and almost- ω -resoluble spaces, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 43 (2002), no. 4, 687–705. We prove in ZFC: (1) every crowded T 0 space with countable tightness and every T 1 space with π -weight 1 is hereditarily almost- ω -resolvable, (2) every crowded paracompact T 2 space which is the closed preimage of a crowded Fréchet T 2 space in such a way that the...

Partition properties of ω1 compatible with CH

Uri Abraham, Stevo Todorčević (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A combinatorial statement concerning ideals of countable subsets of ω is introduced and proved to be consistent with the Continuum Hypothesis. This statement implies the Suslin Hypothesis, that all (ω, ω*)-gaps are Hausdorff, and that every coherent sequence on ω either almost includes or is orthogonal to some uncountable subset of ω.

Partitioning bases of topological spaces

Dániel T. Soukup, Lajos Soukup (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate whether an arbitrary base for a dense-in-itself topological space can be partitioned into two bases. We prove that every base for a T 3 Lindelöf topology can be partitioned into two bases while there exists a consistent example of a first-countable, 0-dimensional, Hausdorff space of size 2 ω and weight ω 1 which admits a point countable base without a partition to two bases.

Point-countable π-bases in first countable and similar spaces

V. V. Tkachuk (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is a classical result of Shapirovsky that any compact space of countable tightness has a point-countable π-base. We look at general spaces with point-countable π-bases and prove, in particular, that, under the Continuum Hypothesis, any Lindelöf first countable space has a point-countable π-base. We also analyze when the function space C p ( X ) has a point-countable π -base, giving a criterion for this in terms of the topology of X when l*(X) = ω. Dealing with point-countable π-bases makes it possible...

Preservation of properties of a map by forcing

Akira Iwasa (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let f : X Y be a continuous map such as an open map, a closed map or a quotient map. We study under what circumstances f remains an open, closed or quotient map in forcing extensions.

Products of Lindelöf T 2 -spaces are Lindelöf – in some models of ZF

Horst Herrlich (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The stability of the Lindelöf property under the formation of products and of sums is investigated in ZF (= Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without AC, the axiom of choice). It is • not surprising that countable summability of the Lindelöf property requires some weak choice principle, • highly surprising, however, that productivity of the Lindelöf property is guaranteed by a drastic failure of AC, • amusing that finite summability of the Lindelöf property takes place if either some weak choice principle...

Property ( a ) and dominating families

Samuel Gomes da Silva (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Generalizations of earlier negative results on Property ( a ) are proved and two questions on an ( a ) -version of Jones’ Lemma are posed. We discuss these questions in the realm of locally compact spaces. Using dominating families of functions as a tool, we prove that under the assumptions “ 2 ω is regular” and “ 2 ω < 2 ω 1 ” the existence of a T 1 separable locally compact ( a ) -space with an uncountable closed discrete subset implies the existence of inner models with measurable cardinals. We also use cardinal invariants...

Property D and pseudonormality in first countable spaces

Alan S. Dow (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In answer to a question of M. Reed, E. van Douwen and M. Wage [vDW79] constructed an example of a Moore space which had property D but was not pseudonormal. Their construction used the Martin’s Axiom type principle P ( c ) . We show that there is no such space in the usual Cohen model of the failure of CH.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 145