Exotic ANR's via null decompositions of Hilbert cube manifolds
A subspace A of a topological space X is said to be -embedded ((point-finite)-embedded) in X if every (point-finite) partition of unity α on A with |α| ≤ γ extends to a (point-finite) partition of unity on X. The main results are: (Theorem A) A subspace A of X is (point-finite)-embedded in X iff it is -embedded and every countable intersection B of cozero-sets in X with B ∩ A = ∅ can be separated from A by a cozero-set in X. (Theorem B) The product A × [0,1] is (point-finite)-embedded in X...
The category Top of topological spaces and continuous maps has the structures of a fibration category and a cofibration category in the sense of Baues, where fibration = Hurewicz fibration, cofibration = the usual cofibration, and weak equivalence = homotopy equivalence. Concentrating on fibrations, we consider the problem: given a full subcategory 𝓒 of Top, is the fibration structure of Top restricted to 𝓒 a fibration category? In this paper we take the special case where 𝓒 is the full subcategory...
A space Y is called a free space if for each compactum X the set of maps with hereditarily indecomposable fibers is a dense -subset of C(X,Y), the space of all continuous functions of X to Y. Levin proved that the interval I and the real line ℝ are free. Krasinkiewicz independently proved that each n-dimensional manifold M (n ≥ 1) is free and the product of any space with a free space is free. He also raised a number of questions about the extent of the class of free spaces. In this paper we will...
Let G be a compact group and X a G-ANR. Then X is a G-AR iff the H-fixed point set is homotopy trivial for each closed subgroup H ⊂ G.