Lusternik-Schnirelmann-categorical sections
Scientists use models to know the world. It is usually assumed that mathematicians doing pure mathematics do not. Mathematicians doing pure mathematics prove theorems about mathematical entities like sets, numbers, geometric figures, spaces, etc., they compute various functions and solve equations. In this paper, I want to exhibit models build by mathematicians to study the fundamental components of spaces and, more generally, of mathematical forms. I focus on one area of mathematics where models...
We study matrix factorizations of a potential W which is a section of a line bundle on an algebraic stack. We relate the corresponding derived category (the category of D-branes of type B in the Landau-Ginzburg model with potential W) with the singularity category of the zero locus of W generalizing a theorem of Orlov. We use this result to construct push-forward functors for matrix factorizations with relatively proper support.
This is a survey of the results on stable homotopy types of polyhedra of small dimensions, mainly obtained by H.-J. Baues and the author [3, 5, 6]. The proofs are based on the technique of matrix problems (bimodule categories).
In many situations, minimal models are used as representatives of homotopy types. In this paper we state this fact as an equivalence of categories. This equivalence follows from an axiomatic definition of minimal objects. We see that this definition includes examples such as minimal resolutions of Eilenberg-Nakayama-Tate, minimal fiber spaces of Kan and Λ-minimal Λ-extensions of Halperin. For the first one, this is done by generalizing the construction of minimal resolutions of modules to complexes....