Displaying 581 – 600 of 1070

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On certain homotopy actions of general linear groups on iterated products

Ran Levi, Stewart Priddy (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The n -fold product X n of an arbitrary space usually supports only the obvious permutation action of the symmetric group Σ n . However, if X is a p -complete, homotopy associative, homotopy commutative H -space one can define a homotopy action of GL n ( p ) on X n . In various cases, e.g. if multiplication by p r is null homotopic then we get a homotopy action of G L n ( / p r ) for some r . After one suspension this allows one to split X n using idempotents of 𝔽 p GL n ( / p ) which can be lifted to 𝔽 p GL n ( / p r ) . In fact all of this is possible if X is an H -space...

On co-H-spaces.

G. Mislin, Peter Hilton, J. Roitberg (1978)

Commentarii mathematici Helvetici

On compact symplectic and Kählerian solvmanifolds which are not completely solvable

Aleksy Tralle (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We are interested in the problem of describing compact solvmanifolds admitting symplectic and Kählerian structures. This was first considered in [3, 4] and [7]. These papers used the Hattori theorem concerning the cohomology of solvmanifolds hence the results obtained covered only the completely solvable case}. Our results do not use the assumption of complete solvability. We apply our methods to construct a new example of a compact symplectic non-Kählerian solvmanifold.

On deformations of spherical isometric foldings

Ana M. Breda, Altino F. Santos (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The behavior of special classes of isometric foldings of the Riemannian sphere S 2 under the action of angular conformal deformations is considered. It is shown that within these classes any isometric folding is continuously deformable into the standard spherical isometric folding f s defined by f s ( x , y , z ) = ( x , y , | z | ) .

On G -disconnected injective models

Marek Golasiński (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be a finite group. It was observed by L.S. Scull that the original definition of the equivariant minimality in the G -connected case is incorrect because of an error concerning algebraic properties. In the G -disconnected case the orbit category 𝒪 ( G ) was originally replaced by the category 𝒪 ( G , X ) with one object for each component of each fixed point simplicial subsets X H of a G -simplicial set X , for all subgroups H G . We redefine the equivariant minimality and redevelop some results on the rational homotopy...

On genera of polyhedra

Yuriy Drozd, Petro Kolesnyk (2012)

Open Mathematics

We consider the stable homotopy category S of polyhedra (finite cell complexes). We say that two polyhedra X,Y are in the same genus and write X ∼ Y if X p ≅ Y p for all prime p, where X p denotes the image of Xin the localized category S p. We prove that it is equivalent to the stable isomorphism X∨B 0 ≅Y∨B 0, where B 0 is the wedge of all spheres S n such that π nS(X) is infinite. We also prove that a stable isomorphism X ∨ X ≅ Y ∨ X implies a stable isomorphism X ≅ Y.

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 1070