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New categorifications of the chromatic and dichromatic polynomials for graphs

Marko Stošić (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For each graph G, we define a chain complex of graded modules over the ring of polynomials whose graded Euler characteristic is equal to the chromatic polynomial of G. Furthermore, we define a chain complex of doubly-graded modules whose (doubly) graded Euler characteristic is equal to the dichromatic polynomial of G. Both constructions use Koszul complexes, and are similar to the new Khovanov-Rozansky categorifications of the HOMFLYPT polynomial. We also give a simplified definition of this triply-graded...

Notes on tiled incompressible tori

Leonid Plachta (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let Θ denote the class of essential tori in a closed braid complement which admit a standard tiling in the sense of Birman and Menasco [Birman J.S., Menasco W.W., Special positions for essential tori in link complements, Topology, 1994, 33(3), 525–556]. Moreover, let R denote the class of thin tiled tori in the sense of Ng [Ng K.Y., Essential tori in link complements, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 1998, 7(2), 205–216]. We define the subclass B ⊂ Θ of typical tiled tori and show that R ⊂ B. We also...

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