Displaying 581 – 600 of 1237

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Local moves on knots and products of knots

Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We show a relation between products of knots, which are generalized from the theory of isolated singularities of complex hypersurfaces, and local moves on knots in all dimensions. We discuss the following problem. Let K be a 1-knot which is obtained from another 1-knot J by a single crossing change (resp. pass-move). For a given knot A, what kind of relation do the products of knots, K ⊗ A and J ⊗ A, have? We characterize these kinds of relation between K ⊗ A and J ⊗ A by using local moves on high...

Malnormal subgroups and Frobenius groups: basics and examples

Pierre de la Harpe, Claude Weber (2014)

Confluentes Mathematici

Malnormal subgroups occur in various contexts. We review a large number of examples, and compare the general situation to that of finite Frobenius groups of permutations.In a companion paper [18], we analyse when peripheral subgroups of knot groups and 3 -manifold groups are malnormal.

Mapping class group of a handlebody

Bronisław Wajnryb (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let B be a 3-dimensional handlebody of genus g. Let ℳ be the group of the isotopy classes of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of B. We construct a 2-dimensional simplicial complex X, connected and simply-connected, on which ℳ acts by simplicial transformations and has only a finite number of orbits. From this action we derive an explicit finite presentation of ℳ.

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 1237