Trivial bundles and near-homeomorphisms
As shown by V. Vassilyev [V], singularities of arbitrary Lagrangian mappings of three-folds form no integral characteristic class. We show, nevertheless, that in the pseudooptical case the number of singularities counted with proper signs forms an invariant. We give a topological interpretation of this invariant, and its applications. The results of the paper may be considered as a 3-dimensional generalization of the results due to V. I. Arnold [A].
For every rational homology 3-sphere with H₁(M,ℤ) = (ℤ/2ℤ)ⁿ we construct a unified invariant (which takes values in a certain cyclotomic completion of a polynomial ring) such that the evaluation of this invariant at any odd root of unity provides the SO(3) Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant at this root, and at any even root of unity the SU(2) quantum invariant. Moreover, this unified invariant splits into a sum of the refined unified invariants dominating spin and cohomological refinements of...