The Spectrum of Equivariant K-theory.
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Agnieszka Bojanowska (1983)
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Sylvain E. Cappell, Julius L. Shaneson (1982)
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS
Sylvain Cappell, Shmuel Weinberger, Min Yan (2015)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
This paper begins the classification of topological actions on manifolds by compact, connected, Lie groups beyond the circle group. It treats multiaxial topological actions of unitary and symplectic groups without the dimension restrictions used in earlier works by M. Davis and W. C. Hsiang on differentiable actions. The general results are applied to give detailed calculations for topological actions homotopically modeled on standard multiaxial representation spheres. In the present topological...
Per Tomter (1974)
Inventiones mathematicae
Tammo tom Dieck (1981)
Manuscripta mathematica
Lewis, Gaunce L.jun. (1999)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
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