Displaying 61 – 80 of 126

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Linear hamiltonian circle actions that generate minimal Hilbert bases

Ágúst Sverrir Egilsson (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The orbit space of a linear Hamiltonian circle action and the reduced orbit space, at zero, are examples of singular Poisson spaces. The orbit space inherits the Poisson algebra of functions invariant under the linear circle action and the reduced orbit space inherits the Poisson algebra obtained by restricting the invariant functions to the reduced space. Both spaces reside inside smooth manifolds, which in turn inherit almost Poisson structures from the Poisson varieties. In this paper we consider...

Moment-angle complexes from simplicial posets

Zhi Lü, Taras Panov (2011)

Open Mathematics

We extend the construction of moment-angle complexes to simplicial posets by associating a certain T m-space Z S to an arbitrary simplicial poset S on m vertices. Face rings ℤ[S] of simplicial posets generalise those of simplicial complexes, and give rise to new classes of Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay rings. Our primary motivation is to study the face rings ℤ[S] by topological methods. The space Z S has many important topological properties of the original moment-angle complex Z K associated to...

On residue formulas for characteristic numbers

Francisco Gómez Ruiz (2009)

Banach Center Publications

We show that coefficients of residue formulas for characteristic numbers associated to a smooth toral action on a manifold can be taken in a quotient field Q ( X , . . . , X r ) . This yields canonical identities over the integers and, reducing modulo two, residue formulas for Stiefel Whitney numbers.

On the linearization theorem for proper Lie groupoids

Marius Crainic, Ivan Struchiner (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We revisit the linearization theorems for proper Lie groupoids around general orbits (statements and proofs). In the fixed point case (known as Zung’s theorem) we give a shorter and more geometric proof, based on a Moser deformation argument. The passage to general orbits (Weinstein) is given a more conceptual interpretation: as a manifestation of Morita invariance. We also clarify the precise statements of the Linearization Theorem (there has been some confusion on this, which has propagated throughout...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 126