The genus of PSl2 (q).
We describe the equivariant cobordism classification of smooth actions of the group on closed smooth m-dimensional manifolds for which the fixed point set of the action is the union F = p ∪ Vⁿ, where p is a point and Vⁿ is a connected manifold of dimension n with n > 0. The description is given in terms of the set of equivariant cobordism classes of involutions fixing p ∪ Vⁿ. This generalizes a lot of previously obtained particular cases of the above question; additionally, the result yields...
Let Fⁿ be a connected, smooth and closed n-dimensional manifold satisfying the following property: if is any smooth and closed m-dimensional manifold with m > n and is a smooth involution whose fixed point set is Fⁿ, then m = 2n. We describe the equivariant cobordism classification of smooth actions of the group on closed smooth m-dimensional manifolds for which the fixed point set of the action is a submanifold Fⁿ with the above property. This generalizes a result of F. L. Capobianco,...