O 19. a 20. Hilbertově problému
Two symplectic structures on a manifold determine a (1,1)-tensor field on . In this paper we study some properties of this field. Conversely, if is (1,1)-tensor field on a symplectic manifold then using the natural lift theory we find conditions under which , is symplectic.
In questo lavoro si danno alcuni risultati sugli spettri degli operatori di Laplace per varietà Riemanniane compatte con curvatura scalare positiva e di dimensione . Ad essi si aggiunge una osservazione riguardante la congettura di Yamabe.
Let be a continuous map of the closure of the open unit disc of into a unital associative Banach algebra , whose restriction to is holomorphic, and which satisfies the condition whereby for all and whenever (where is the spectrum of any ). One of the basic results of the present paper is that is , that is to say, is then a compact subset of that does not depend on for all . This fact will be applied to holomorphic self-maps of the open unit ball of some -algebra...
We study the boundary value problem in , on , where is a smooth bounded domain in . Our attention is focused on two cases when , where for any or for any . In the former case we show the existence of infinitely many weak solutions for any . In the latter we prove that if is large enough then there exists a nontrivial weak solution. Our approach relies on the variable exponent theory of generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev spaces, combined with a -symmetric version for even functionals...
We consider a class of nonlocal operators associated with an action of a compact Lie group G on a smooth closed manifold. Ellipticity condition and Fredholm property for elliptic operators are obtained. This class of operators is studied using pseudodifferential uniformization, which reduces the problem to a pseudodifferential operator acting in sections of infinite-dimensional bundles.
Let be a bounded starshaped domain and consider the -Laplacian problem where is a positive parameter, , and is the critical Sobolev exponent. In this short note we address the question of non-existence for non-trivial solutions to the -Laplacian problem. In particular we show the non-existence of non-trivial solutions to the problem by using a method based on Pohozaev identity.