Brouwer degree, equivariant maps and tensor powers.
Newton's method for computation of a square root yields a difference equation which can be solved using the hyperbolic cotangent function. For the computation of the third root Newton's sequence presents a harder problem, which already Cayley was trying to solve. In the present paper two mutually inverse functions are defined in order to solve the difference equation, instead of the hyperbolic cotangent and its inverse. Several coefficients in the expansion around the fixed points are obtained,...
For the family of degree at most 2 polynomial self-maps of C3 with nowhere vanishing Jacobian determinant, we give the following classification: for any such map f, it is affinely conjugate to one of the following maps:(i) An affine automorphism;(ii) An elementary polynomial autormorphismE(x, y, z) = (P(y, z) + ax, Q(z) + by, cz + d),where P and Q are polynomials with max{deg(P), deg(Q)} = 2 and abc ≠ 0.(iii)⎧ H1(x, y, z) = (P(x, z) + ay, Q(z) + x, cz + d)⎪ H2(x, y, z) = (P(y, z) + ax, Q(y)...