Analysis over infinite dimensional spaces and applications to quantum field theory
L’objet de cette étude est de trouver des constantes explicites (dépendant d’un minimum d’invariants riemanniens et les plus faibles possible) dans différents types d’inégalités de Sobolev.
We show under some assumptions that a differentiable function can be transformed globally to a polynomial or a rational function by some diffeomorphism. One of the assumptions is that the function is proper, the number of critical points is finite, and the Milnor number of the germ at each critical point is finite.
À l’aide de la théorie des itinéraires et des suites de tricotage, nous étudions la conjugaison topologique des fonctions unimodales. Nous introduisons la notion de conjugaison macroscopique, caractérisée par l’égalité des suites de tricotage. Puis nous présentons un théorème de classification des fonctions unimodales. Pour illustrer ces résultats, nous montrons que l’ensemble des solutions de l’équation de Feigenbaum contient une infinité de classes topologiques.
Soit un morphisme propre et de Nash d’un ouvert de dans un ouvert de . Nous démontrons que l’image par de l’algèbre des fonctions réelles dans est fermée dans munie de sa topologie habituelle d’espace de Fréchet. Ce résultat généralise, dans le cas algébrique, un résultat de G. Glaeser sur les fonctions composées différentiables.
The methodology of fractal interpolation is very useful for processing experimental signals in order to extract their characteristics of complexity. We go further and prove that the Iterated Function System involved may also be used to obtain new approximants that are close to classical ones. In this work a classical function and a fractal function are combined to construct a new interpolant. The fractal function is first defined as a perturbation of a classical mapping. The additional condition...
MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf GorenfloWe generalize the two forms of the fractional derivatives (in Riemann-Liouville and Caputo sense) to spaces of generalized functions using appropriate techniques such as the multiplication of absolutely continuous function by the Heaviside function, and the analytical continuation. As an application, we give the two forms of the fractional derivatives of discontinuous functions in spaces of distributions.
For various -spaces (1 ≤ p < ∞) we investigate the minimum number of complex-valued functions needed to generate an algebra dense in the space. The results depend crucially on the regularity imposed on the generators. For μ a positive regular Borel measure on a compact metric space there always exists a single bounded measurable function that generates an algebra dense in . For M a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary of finite volume there always exists a single continuous function that generates...
In this paper we prove the implicit function theorem for locally blow-analytic functions, and as an interesting application of using blow-analytic homeomorphisms, we describe a very easy way to resolve singularities of analytic curves.
La catégorie des fibrés vectoriels sur les variétés linéaires par morceaux se plonge dans une catégorie des classes d’équivalence de faisceaux de modules sur les faisceaux de germes des fonctions lissables, et on construit les classes de Pontrjagin, vérifiant des axiomes habituels. Chaque variété possède un objet tangent dans cette catégorie, et est la classe totale de Pontrjagin associée à .
Exposé succinct d’une démonstration du théorème de division pour les fonctions fois continûment différentiables , donnant pour les classes du quotient et du reste les meilleurs résultats possibles lorsque est fini.
We study Morse-Bott functions with two critical values (equivalently, nonconstant without saddles) on closed surfaces. We show that only four surfaces admit such functions (though in higher dimensions, we construct many such manifolds, e.g. as fiber bundles over already constructed manifolds with the same property). We study properties of such functions. Namely, their Reeb graphs are path or cycle graphs; any path graph, and any cycle graph with an even number of vertices, is isomorphic to the Reeb...
Let us consider two closed surfaces , of class and two functions , of class , called measuring functions. The natural pseudodistance between the pairs , is defined as the infimum of as varies in the set of all homeomorphisms from onto . In this paper we prove that the natural pseudodistance equals either , , or , where and are two suitable critical values of the measuring functions. This shows that a previous relation between the natural pseudodistance and critical values...