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On a general difference Galois theory I

Shuji Morikawa (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We know well difference Picard-Vessiot theory, Galois theory of linear difference equations. We propose a general Galois theory of difference equations that generalizes Picard-Vessiot theory. For every difference field extension of characteristic 0 , we attach its Galois group, which is a group of coordinate transformation.

On a general difference Galois theory II

Shuji Morikawa, Hiroshi Umemura (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We apply the General Galois Theory of difference equations introduced in the first part to concrete examples. The General Galois Theory allows us to define a discrete dynamical system being infinitesimally solvable, which is a finer notion than being integrable. We determine all the infinitesimally solvable discrete dynamical systems on the compact Riemann surfaces.

On characterization of Poisson and Jacobi structures

Janusz Grabowski, Paweŀ Urbański (2003)

Open Mathematics

We characterize Poisson and Jacobi structures by means of complete lifts of the corresponding tensors: the lifts have to be related to canonical structures by morphisms of corresponding vector bundles. Similar results hold for generalized Poisson and Jacobi structures (canonical structures) associated with Lie algebroids and Jacobi algebroids.

On formal theory of differential equations. III.

Jan Chrastina (1991)

Mathematica Bohemica

Elements of the general theory of Lie-Cartan pseudogroups (including the intransitive case) are developed within the framework of infinitely prolonged systems of partial differential equations (diffieties) which makes it independent of any particular realizations by transformations of geometric object. Three axiomatic approaches, the concepts of essential invariant, subgroup, normal subgroup and factorgroups are discussed. The existence of a very special canonical composition series based on Cauchy...

On infinite Lie groups

Alexandre A. Martins Rodrigues (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Under some regularity conditions one proves that quotients and kernels of infinitesimal analytic Lie pseudo-groups by invariant fiberings are again infinitesimal Lie pseudo-groups. The regularity conditions are shown to be necessary and sufficient if one wishes both quotient and kernel to be infinitesimal Lie pseudo-groups. One defines and proves the existence of the quotient of an infinitesimal Lie pseudo-group by a normal sub-pseudo group. An equivalence relation for germs of infinitesimal Lie...

On the functorial prolongations of principal bundles

Ivan Kolář, Antonella Cabras (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We describe the fundamental properties of the infinitesimal actions related with functorial prolongations of principal and associated bundles with respect to fiber product preserving bundle functors. Our approach is essentially based on the Weil algebra technique and an original concept of weak principal bundle.

On the geometric prequantization of brackets.

Manuel de León, Juan Carlos Marrero, Edith Padrón (2001)


En este artículo se considera un marco general para la precuantización geométrica de una variedad provista de un corchete que no es necesariamente de Jacobi. La existencia de una foliación generalizada permite definir una noción de fibrado de precuantización. Se estudia una aproximación alternativa suponiendo la existencia de un algebroide de Lie sobre la variedad. Se relacionan ambos enfoques y se recuperan los resultados conocidos para variedades de Poisson y Jacobi.

On the linearization theorem for proper Lie groupoids

Marius Crainic, Ivan Struchiner (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We revisit the linearization theorems for proper Lie groupoids around general orbits (statements and proofs). In the fixed point case (known as Zung’s theorem) we give a shorter and more geometric proof, based on a Moser deformation argument. The passage to general orbits (Weinstein) is given a more conceptual interpretation: as a manifestation of Morita invariance. We also clarify the precise statements of the Linearization Theorem (there has been some confusion on this, which has propagated throughout...

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