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Relative conditional expectations on a logic

Oľga Nánásiová, Sylvia Pulmannová (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

In this paper, the authors introduce the notion of conditional expectation of an observable x on a logic with respect to a sublogic, in a state m , relative to an element a of the logic. This conditional expectation is an analogue of the expectation of an integrable function on a probability space.

Rings of maps: sequential convergence and completion

Roman Frič (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The ring B ( R ) of all real-valued measurable functions, carrying the pointwise convergence, is a sequential ring completion of the subring C ( R ) of all continuous functions and, similarly, the ring 𝔹 of all Borel measurable subsets of R is a sequential ring completion of the subring 𝔹 0 of all finite unions of half-open intervals; the two completions are not categorical. We study 0 * -rings of maps and develop a completion theory covering the two examples. In particular, the σ -fields of sets form an epireflective...

Stochastic signal codification and sigma transform.

Luis Basañez Villaluenga, Nadal Batle Nicolau, Gabriel Ferraté Pascual, Josep Grané Manlleu, Enric Trillas (1983)


In the last years, a relation between bounded real functions of one variable and two-valued probabilistic functions defined on the complex plane has been established through the introduction of the Sigma-Transform concept.The paper presents an extension of the concept of Sigma-Transform, giving rise to the diagonal Sigma-Transform and the Striped Sigma-Transform which, when combined, allow a formal treatment of the Multichannel Stochastic Signal Codification. An application of the method to error...

Submedidas C y cuantificación de probabilidades comparativas.

César Rodríguez Ortiz (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

De los axiomas de Villegas para probabilidades comparativas, el de continuidad monótona resulta suficiente para la compatibilidad con una submedida C (Ortiz, 1980, Teo. 8), mientras que el axioma de no existencia de átomos, junto con el anterior, caracteriza la subclase de probabilidades comparativas sin átomos que pueden representarse mediante medidas de probabilidad. El estudio de las propiedades de las submedidas C nos conduce a proponer en este trabajo un nuevo axioma, que junto al de continuidad...

Sum of observables in fuzzy quantum spaces

Anatolij Dvurečenskij, Anna Tirpáková (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

We introduce the sum of observables in fuzzy quantum spaces which generalize the Kolmogorov probability space using the ideas of fuzzy set theory.

The fuzzy hyperbolic inequality index of fuzzy random variables in finite populations.

Norberto Corral, María Angeles Gil, Hortensia López-García (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper presents an approach to the problem of quantifying the inequality of a finite population with respect to a (social, economical, etc.) fuzzy-valued attribute. For this purpose, the fuzzy hyperbolic inequality index is introduced, and some properties extending the basic ones for real-valued attributes are examined.

The irrelevant information principle for collective probabilistic reasoning

Martin Adamčík, George Wilmers (2014)


Within the framework of discrete probabilistic uncertain reasoning a large literature exists justifying the maximum entropy inference process, error , as being optimal in the context of a single agent whose subjective probabilistic knowledge base is consistent. In particular Paris and Vencovská completely characterised the error inference process by means of an attractive set of axioms which an inference process should satisfy. More recently the second author extended the Paris-Vencovská axiomatic approach...

Two Kinds of Invariance of Full Conditional Probabilities

Alexander R. Pruss (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let G be a group acting on Ω and ℱ a G-invariant algebra of subsets of Ω. A full conditional probability on ℱ is a function P: ℱ × (ℱ∖{∅}) → [0,1] satisfying the obvious axioms (with only finite additivity). It is weakly G-invariant provided that P(gA|gB) = P(A|B) for all g ∈ G and A,B ∈ ℱ, and strongly G-invariant provided that P(gA|B) = P(A|B) whenever g ∈ G and A ∪ gA ⊆ B. Armstrong (1989) claimed that weak and strong invariance are equivalent, but we shall show that this is false and that weak...

Una aplicación de la teoría de la utilidad de Von Neumann a la probabilidad subjetiva.

Enrique Caro (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este artículo se da una condición necesaria y suficiente para la existencia y unicidad de una probabilidad subjetiva, finitamente aditiva, que concuerda con una probabilidad comparativa definida en una cierta clase de sucesos asociada al espacio paramétrico objeto de la inferencia.Nuestra constribución no evita tener que postular la relación de probabilidad comparativa en una clase mayor que la que es objeto de nuestro estudio pues exige la introducción de un espacio auxiliar que es el intervalo...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 87