Displaying 141 – 160 of 425

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FKN Theorem on the biased cube

Piotr Nayar (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider Boolean functions defined on the discrete cube - γ , γ - 1 equipped with a product probability measure μ n , where μ = β δ - γ + α δ γ - 1 and γ = √(α/β). This normalization ensures that the coordinate functions ( x i ) i = 1 , . . . , n are orthonormal in L ( - γ , γ - 1 , μ n ) . We prove that if the spectrum of a Boolean function is concentrated on the first two Fourier levels, then the function is close to a certain function of one variable. Our theorem strengthens the non-symmetric FKN Theorem due to Jendrej, Oleszkiewicz and Wojtaszczyk. Moreover, in the symmetric...

Functional inequalities for discrete gradients and application to the geometric distribution

Aldéric Joulin, Nicolas Privault (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present several functional inequalities for finite difference gradients, such as a Cheeger inequality, Poincaré and (modified) logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, associated deviation estimates, and an exponential integrability property. In the particular case of the geometric distribution on we use an integration by parts formula to compute the optimal isoperimetric and Poincaré constants, and to obtain an improvement of our general logarithmic Sobolev inequality. By a...

Functional inequalities for discrete gradients and application to the geometric distribution

Aldéric Joulin, Nicolas Privault (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present several functional inequalities for finite difference gradients, such as a Cheeger inequality, Poincaré and (modified) logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, associated deviation estimates, and an exponential integrability property. In the particular case of the geometric distribution on we use an integration by parts formula to compute the optimal isoperimetric and Poincaré constants, and to obtain an improvement of our general logarithmic Sobolev inequality. By a limiting procedure we...

Further results on the generalized cumulative entropy

Antonio Di Crescenzo, Abdolsaeed Toomaj (2017)


Recently, a new concept of entropy called generalized cumulative entropy of order n was introduced and studied in the literature. It is related to the lower record values of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables and with the concept of reversed relevation transform. In this paper, we provide some further results for the generalized cumulative entropy such as stochastic orders, bounds and characterization results. Moreover, some characterization results are derived...

Gaussian Approximation of Moments of Sums of Independent Random Variables

Marcin Lis (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We continue the research of Latała on improving estimates of the pth moments of sums of independent random variables with logarithmically concave tails. We generalize some of his results in the case of 2 ≤ p ≤ 4 and present a combinatorial approach for even moments.

General proportional mean residual life model

Mohamed Kayid, Salman Izadkhah, Dalal ALmufarrej (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

By considering a covariate random variable in the ordinary proportional mean residual life (PMRL) model, we introduce and study a general model, taking more situations into account with respect to the ordinary PMRL model. We investigate how stochastic structures of the proposed model are affected by the stochastic properties of the baseline and the mixing variables in the model. Several characterizations and preservation properties of the new model under different stochastic orders and aging classes...

Generalized covariance inequalities

Przemysław Matuła, Maciej Ziemba (2011)

Open Mathematics

We prove some inequalities for the difference between a joint distribution and the product of its marginals for arbitrary absolutely continuous random variables. Some applications of the obtained inequalities are also presented.

Grüss-type bounds for covariances and the notion of quadrant dependence in expectation

Martín Egozcue, Luis García, Wing-Keung Wong, Ričardas Zitikis (2011)

Open Mathematics

We show that Grüss-type probabilistic inequalities for covariances can be considerably sharpened when the underlying random variables are quadrant dependent in expectation (QDE). The herein established covariance bounds not only sharpen the classical Grüss inequality but also improve upon recently derived Grüss-type bounds under the assumption of quadrant dependency (QD), which is stronger than QDE. We illustrate our general results with examples based on specially devised bivariate distributions...

High-dimensional gaussian model selection on a gaussian design

Nicolas Verzelen (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the problem of estimating the conditional mean of a real gaussian variable Y=∑i=1pθiXi+ɛ where the vector of the covariates (Xi)1≤i≤p follows a joint gaussian distribution. This issue often occurs when one aims at estimating the graph or the distribution of a gaussian graphical model. We introduce a general model selection procedure which is based on the minimization of a penalized least squares type criterion. It handles a variety of problems such as ordered and complete variable selection,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 425