Poissonian products of random weights: uniform convergence and related measures.
We show how to use the Gaussian HJM model to price modified forward-start options. Using data from the Polish market we calibrate the model and price this exotic option on the term structure. The specific problems of Central Eastern European emerging markets do not permit the use of the popular lognormal models of forward LIBOR or swap rates. We show how to overcome this difficulty.
We show how to use the Gaussian HJM model to price Polish three-year bonds. %A bond issued by A Polish Treasury bond is treated as a risk-free security.
We show that the effective diffusivity of a random diffusion with a drift is a continuous function of the drift coefficient. In fact, in the case of a homogeneous and isotropic random environment the function is smooth outside the origin. We provide a one-dimensional example which shows that the diffusivity coefficient need not be differentiable at 0.