Tree and grid factors for general point processes.
In this article, we consider an n-dimensional stochastic differential equation driven by a fractional brownian motion with Hurst parameter H>1/3. We derive an expansion for E[f(Xt)] in terms of t, where X denotes the solution to the SDE and f:ℝn→ℝ is a regular function. Comparing to F. Baudoin and L. Coutin, Stochastic Process. Appl.117 (2007) 550–574, where the same problem is studied, we provide an improvement in three different directions: we are able to consider equations with drift,...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A48, Secondary 60G12.In this paper classes of K^r -operators are considered – the classes of bounded and unbounded operators A with equal domains of A and A*, finite dimensional imaginary parts and presented as a coupling of a dissipative operator and an antidissipative one with real absolutely continuous spectra and the class of unbounded dissipative K^r -operators A with different domains of A and A* and with real absolutely continuous spectra....
In this note we describe recent results on semiclassical random walk associated to a probability density which may also concentrate as the semiclassical parameter goes to zero. The main result gives a spectral asymptotics of the close to eigenvalues. This problem was studied in [1] and relies on a general factorization result for pseudo-differential operators. In this note we just sketch the proof of this second theorem. At the end of the note, using the factorization, we give a new proof of the...
Given a Hilbert space valued martingale (Mₙ), let (M*ₙ) and (Sₙ(M)) denote its maximal function and square function, respectively. We prove that 𝔼|Mₙ| ≤ 2𝔼 Sₙ(M), n=0,1,2,..., 𝔼 M*ₙ ≤ 𝔼 |Mₙ| + 2𝔼 Sₙ(M), n=0,1,2,.... The first inequality is sharp, and it is strict in all nontrivial cases.