Poissonian products of random weights: uniform convergence and related measures.
Take a centered random walk and consider the sequence of its partial sums . Suppose is in the domain of normal attraction of an -stable law with . Assuming that is either right-exponential (i.e. for some and all ) or right-continuous (skip free), we prove that as , where depends on the distribution of the walk. We also consider a conditional version of this problem and study positivity of integrated discrete bridges.
The purpose of this paper is to find optimal estimates for the Green function and the Poisson kernel for a half-line and intervals of the geometric stable process with parameter α ∈ (0,2]. This process has an infinitesimal generator of the form . As an application we prove the global scale invariant Harnack inequality as well as the boundary Harnack principle.
We find precise small deviation asymptotics with respect to the Hilbert norm for some special Gaussian processes connected to two regression schemes studied by MacNeill and his coauthors. In addition, we also obtain precise small deviation asymptotics for the detrended Brownian motion and detrended Slepian process.
We establish rates of convergences in statistical learning for time series forecasting. Using the PAC-Bayesian approach, slow rates of convergence √ d/n for the Gibbs estimator under the absolute loss were given in a previous work [7], where n is the sample size and d the dimension of the set of predictors. Under the same weak dependence conditions, we extend this result to any convex Lipschitz loss function. We also identify a condition on the parameter space that ensures similar rates for the...