Eventual intersection for sequences of Lévy processes.
We study excited random walks in i.i.d. random cookie environments in high dimensions, where the th cookie at a site determines the transition probabilities (to the left and right) for the th departure from that site. We show that in high dimensions, when the expected right drift of the first cookie is sufficiently large, the velocity is strictly positive, regardless of the strengths and signs of subsequent cookies. Under additional conditions on the cookie environment, we show that the limiting...
The integrated brownian motion is sometimes known as the Langevin process. Lachal studied several excursion laws induced by the latter. Here we follow a different point of view developed by Pitman for general stationary processes. We first construct a stationary Langevin process and then determine explicitly its stationary excursion measure. This is then used to provide new descriptions of Itô’s excursion measure of the Langevin process reflected at a completely inelastic boundary, which has been...
Let us consider a solution of a one-dimensional stochastic differential equation driven by a standard Brownian motion with time-inhomogeneous drift coefficient . This process can be viewed as a Brownian motion evolving in a potential, possibly singular, depending on time. We prove results on the existence and uniqueness of solution, study its asymptotic behaviour and made a precise description, in terms of parameters , and , of the recurrence, transience and convergence. More precisely, asymptotic...
Three-dimensional Laguerre tessellation models became quite popular in many areas of physics and biology. They are generated by locally finite configurations of marked points. Randomness is included by assuming that the set of generators is formed by a marked point process. The present paper focuses on 3D marked Gibbs point processes of generators which enable us to specify the desired geometry of the Laguerre tessellation. In order to prove the existence of a stationary Gibbs measure using a general...
We discuss the almost sure existence of random functions that can be written as sums of elementary pulses. We then estimate their uniform Hölder regularity by applying some results on coverings by random intervals.