Multiplications aléatoires et dimensions de Hausdorff
Total correlation (‘TC’) and dual total correlation (‘DTC’) are two classical ways to quantify the correlation among an -tuple of random variables. They both reduce to mutual information when . The first part of this paper sets up the theory of TC and DTC for general random variables, not necessarily finite-valued. This generality has not been exposed in the literature before. The second part considers the structural implications when a joint distribution has small TC or DTC. If , then is...
For the Markov property of a multivariate process, a necessary and suficient condition on the multidimensional copula of the finite-dimensional distributions is given. This establishes that the Markov property is solely a property of the copula, i.e., of the dependence structure. This extends results by Darsow et al. [11] from dimension one to the multivariate case. In addition to the one-dimensional case also the spatial copula between the different dimensions has to be taken into account. Examples...
We combine Stein’s method with Malliavin calculus in order to obtain explicit bounds in the multidimensional normal approximation (in the Wasserstein distance) of functionals of gaussian fields. Among several examples, we provide an application to a functional version of the Breuer–Major CLT for fields subordinated to a fractional brownian motion.
By a harmonizable sequence of random variables we mean the sequence of Fourier coefficients of a random measure M: (n = 0,±1,...) The paper deals with prediction problems for sequences Xₙ(M) for isotropic and atomless random measures M. The crucial result asserts that the space of all complex-valued M-integrable functions on the unit interval is a Musielak-Orlicz space. Hence it follows that the problem for Xₙ(M) (n = 0,±1,...) to be deterministic is in fact an extremal problem of Szegö’s type...