Displaying 161 – 180 of 429

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Spectral density estimation for stationary stable random fields

Rachid Sabre (1995)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a stationary symmetric stable bidimensional process with discrete time, having the spectral representation (1.1). We consider a general case where the spectral measure is assumed to be the sum of an absolutely continuous measure, a discrete measure of finite order and a finite number of absolutely continuous measures on several lines. We estimate the density of the absolutely continuous measure and the density on the lines.

Spectral gap lower bound for the one-dimensional fractional Schrödinger operator in the interval

Kamil Kaleta (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We prove a uniform lower bound for the difference λ₂ - λ₁ between the first two eigenvalues of the fractional Schrödinger operator ( - Δ ) α / 2 + V , α ∈ (1,2), with a symmetric single-well potential V in a bounded interval (a,b), which is related to the Feynman-Kac semigroup of the symmetric α-stable process killed upon leaving (a,b). “Uniform” means that the positive constant C α appearing in our estimate λ - λ C α ( b - a ) - α is independent of the potential V. In the general case of α ∈ (0,2), we also find a uniform lower bound for...

Spectrum of randomly sampled multivariate ARMA models

Amina Kadi (1998)


The paper is devoted to the spectrum of multivariate randomly sampled autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models. We determine precisely the spectrum numerator coefficients of the randomly sampled ARMA models. We give results when the non-zero poles of the initial ARMA model are simple. We first prove the results when the probability generating function of the random sampling law is injective, then we precise the results when it is not injective.

Stabilité du comportement des marches aléatoires sur un groupe localement compact

Driss Gretete (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Dans cet article nous démontrons un théorème de stabilité des probabilités de retour sur un groupe localement compact unimodulaire, séparable et compactement engendré. Nous démontrons que le comportement asymptotique de F*(2n)(e) ne dépend pas de la densité F sous des hypothèses naturelles. A titre d’exemple nous établissons que la probabilité de retour sur une large classe de groupes résolubles se comporte comme exp(−n1/3).

Stability and contagion measures for spatial extreme value analyzes

Cecília Fonseca, Helena Ferreira, Luísa Pereira, Ana Paula Martins (2014)


As part of global climate change an accelerated hydrologic cycle (including an increase in heavy precipitation) is anticipated (Trenberth [20, 21]). So, it is of great importance to be able to quantify high-impact hydrologic relationships, for example, the impact that an extreme precipitation (or temperature) in a location has on a surrounding region. Building on the Multivariate Extreme Value Theory we propose a contagion index and a stability index. The contagion index makes it possible to quantify...

Stability estimates of generalized geometric sums and their applications

Evgueni I. Gordienko (2004)


The upper bounds of the uniform distance ρ k = 1 ν X k , k = 1 ν X ˜ k between two sums of a random number ν of independent random variables are given. The application of these bounds is illustrated by stability (continuity) estimating in models in queueing and risk theory.

Stability estimating in optimal stopping problem

Elena Zaitseva (2008)


We consider the optimal stopping problem for a discrete-time Markov process on a Borel state space X . It is supposed that an unknown transition probability p ( · | x ) , x X , is approximated by the transition probability p ˜ ( · | x ) , x X , and the stopping rule τ ˜ * , optimal for p ˜ , is applied to the process governed by p . We found an upper bound for the difference between the total expected cost, resulting when applying τ ˜ * , and the minimal total expected cost. The bound given is a constant times sup x X p ( · | x ) - p ˜ ( · | x ) , where · is the total variation...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 429