Filtration d'une marche aléatoire stationnaire sur le cercle
First hitting time and place, monopoles and multipoles for pseudo-processes driven by the equation .
First-passage percolation on width-two stretches with exponential link weights.
General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms.
Generic properties of iterated function systems with place dependent probabilities.
Generic properties of learning systems
It is shown that the set of learning systems having a singular stationary distribution is generic in the family of all systems satisfying the average contractivity condition.
Geometric ergodicity and perfect simulation.
Gibbs measures in a markovian context and dimension
The main goal is to use Gibbs measures in a markovian matrices context and in a more general context, to compute the Hausdorff dimension of subsets of [0, 1[ and [0, 1[². We introduce a parameter t which could be interpreted within thermodynamic framework as the variable conjugate to energy. In some particular cases we recover the Shannon-McMillan-Breiman and Eggleston theorems. Our proofs are deeply rooted in the properties of non-negative irreducible matrices and large deviations techniques as...
Identification of the rate function for large deviations of an irreducible Markov chain.
Indépendance conditionnelle permutable
Invariant densities of random maps have lower bounds on their supports.
Invariant measures for iterated function systems
A new criterion for the existence of an invariant distribution for Markov operators is presented. Moreover, it is also shown that the unique invariant distribution of an iterated function system is singular with respect to the Hausdorff measure.
Invariant measures for nonexpansive Markov operators on Polish spaces [Book]
Invariant measures for random dynamical systems [Book]
Invariant probabilities for Feller-Markov chains.
Inverspositive Operatoren und Taubersätze in der Erneuerungstheorie.
Iterated function systems with continuous place dependent probabilities.
Iterates and the boundary behavior of the Berezin transform
Let be a measure on a domain in such that the Bergman space of holomorphic functions in possesses a reproducing kernel and . The Berezin transform associated to is the integral...
Le déterminisme de la fonction brownienne dans l'espace de Hilbert. II