Infinite divisibility of Gaussian squares with non-zero means.
It has been known for a long time that for birth-and-death processes started in zero the first passage time of a given level is distributed as a sum of independent exponentially distributed random variables, the parameters of which are the negatives of the eigenvalues of the stopped process. Recently, Diaconis and Miclo have given a probabilistic proof of this fact by constructing a coupling between a general birth-and-death process and a process whose birth rates are the negatives of the eigenvalues,...
It is known that the time until a birth and death process reaches a certain level is distributed as a sum of independent exponential random variables. Diaconis, Miclo and Swart gave a probabilistic proof of this fact by coupling the birth and death process with a pure birth process such that the two processes reach the given level at the same time. Their coupling is of a special type called intertwining of Markov processes. We apply this technique to couple the Wright-Fisher diffusion with reflection...