Markoff-Ketten bei sich füllenden Löchern im Zustandsraum
Given a substochastic kernel from a measurable space into itself one considers for a pair of finite measures on the following sequences:
Given a substochastic kernel from a measurable space into itself one considers for a pair of finite measures on the following sequences:
This paper deals with a first passage mean-variance problem for semi-Markov decision processes in Borel spaces. The goal is to minimize the variance of a total discounted reward up to the system's first entry to some target set, where the optimization is over a class of policies with a prescribed expected first passage reward. The reward rates are assumed to be possibly unbounded, while the discount factor may vary with states of the system and controls. We first develop some suitable conditions...
Molecular motors are nano- or colloidal machines that keep the living cell in a highly ordered, stationary state far from equilibrium. This self-organized order is sustained by the energy transduction of the motors, which couple exergonic or 'downhill' processes to endergonic or 'uphill' processes. A particularly interesting case is provided by the chemomechanical coupling of cytoskeletal motors which use the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis in order to generate mechanical forces and...
In two subsequent parts, Part I and II, monotonicity and comparison results will be studied, as generalization of the pure stochastic case, for arbitrary dynamic systems governed by nonnegative matrices. Part I covers the discrete-time and Part II the continuous-time case. The research has initially been motivated by a reliability application contained in Part II. In the present Part I it is shown that monotonicity and comparison results, as known for Markov chains, do carry over rather smoothly...
This second Part II, which follows a first Part I for the discrete-time case (see [DijkSl1]), deals with monotonicity and comparison results, as generalization of the pure stochastic case, for stochastic dynamic systems with arbitrary nonnegative generators in the continuous-time case. In contrast with the discrete-time case the generalization is no longer straightforward. A discrete-time transformation will therefore be developed first. Next, results from Part I can be adopted. The conditions,...