Displaying 181 – 200 of 349

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The least trimmed squares. Part I: Consistency

Jan Ámos Víšek (2006)


The consistency of the least trimmed squares estimator (see Rousseeuw [Rous] or Hampel et al. [HamRonRouSta]) is proved under general conditions. The assumptions employed in paper are discussed in details to clarify the consequences for the applications.

The least trimmed squares. Part III: Asymptotic normality

Jan Ámos Víšek (2006)


Asymptotic normality of the least trimmed squares estimator is proved under general conditions. At the end of paper a discussion of applicability of the estimator (including the discussion of algorithm for its evaluation) is offered.

The life and work of Zbyněk Šidák (1933–1999)

Jan Seidler, Jiří Vondráček, Ivan Saxl (2000)

Applications of Mathematics

Zbyněk Šidák, the chief editor of the Applications of Mathematics, an outstanding Czech statistician and probabilist, died on November 12, 1999, aged 66 years. This article is devoted to memory of him and outlines his life and scientific work.

The likelihood ratio test for general mixture models with or without structural parameter

Jean-Marc Azaïs, Élisabeth Gassiat, Cécile Mercadier (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for testing hypotheses on the mixing measure in mixture models with or without structural parameter. The main result gives the asymptotic distribution of the LRT statistics under some conditions that are proved to be almost necessary. A detailed solution is given for two testing problems: the test of a single distribution against any mixture, with application to Gaussian, Poisson and binomial distributions; the test of the number of populations...

The likelihood ratio test for the number of components in a mixture with Markov regime

Elisabeth Gassiat, Christine Keribin (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We study the LRT statistic for testing a single population i.i.d. model against a mixture of two populations with Markov regime. We prove that the LRT statistic converges to infinity in probability as the number of observations tends to infinity. This is a consequence of a convergence result of the LRT statistic for a subproblem where the parameters are restricted to a subset of the whole parameter set.

The linear model with variance-covariance components and jackknife estimation

Jaromír Kudeláš (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Let θ * be a biased estimate of the parameter ϑ based on all observations x 1 , , x n and let θ - i * ( i = 1 , 2 , , n ) be the same estimate of the parameter ϑ obtained after deletion of the i -th observation. If the expectation of the estimators θ * and θ - i * are expressed as E ( θ * ) = ϑ + a ( n ) b ( ϑ ) E ( θ - i * ) = ϑ + a ( n - 1 ) b ( ϑ ) i = 1 , 2 , , n , where a ( n ) is a known sequence of real numbers and b ( ϑ ) is a function of ϑ , then this system of equations can be regarded as a linear model. The least squares method gives the generalized jackknife estimator. Using this method, it is possible to obtain the unbiased...

The Lorenz transform approach to the optimal repair-cost limit replacement policy with imperfect repair

T. Dohi, F. S. Othman, N. Kaio, Sunji Osaki (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this paper, we consider a repair-cost limit replacement problem with imperfect repair and develop a graphical method to determine the optimal repair-cost limit which minimizes the expected cost per unit time in the steady-state, using the Lorenz transform of the underlying repair-cost distribution function. The method proposed can be applied to an estimation problem of the optimal repair-cost limit from empirical repair-cost data. Numerical examples are devoted to examine asymptotic properties...

The Lorenz Transform approach to the Optimal Repair-Cost limit remplacement Policy with Imperfect Repair

T. Dohi, F. S. Othman, N. Kaio, Sunji Osaki (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, we consider a repair-cost limit replacement problem with imperfect repair and develop a graphical method to determine the optimal repair-cost limit which minimizes the expected cost per unit time in the steady-state, using the Lorenz transform of the underlying repair-cost distribution function. The method proposed can be applied to an estimation problem of the optimal repair-cost limit from empirical repair-cost data. Numerical examples are devoted to examine asymptotic properties...

The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin theorem on symmetric cones through Gleason's theorem

Bartosz Kołodziejek (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We prove the Lukacs characterization of the Wishart distribution on non-octonion symmetric cones of rank greater than 2. We weaken the smoothness assumptions in the version of the Lukacs theorem of [Bobecka-Wesołowski, Studia Math. 152 (2002), 147-160]. The main tool is a new solution of the Olkin-Baker functional equation on symmetric cones, under the assumption of continuity of respective functions. It was possible thanks to the use of Gleason's theorem.

The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin theorem without invariance of the "quotient"

Konstancja Bobecka, Jacek Wesołowski (2002)

Studia Mathematica

The Lukacs theorem is one of the most brilliant results in the area of characterizations of probability distributions. First, because it gives a deep insight into the nature of independence properties of the gamma distribution; second, because it uses beautiful and non-trivial mathematics. Originally it was proved for probability distributions concentrated on (0,∞). In 1962 Olkin and Rubin extended it to matrix variate distributions. Since that time it has been believed that the fundamental reason...

The minimun inaccuracy fuzzy estimation: An extension of the maximum likelihood principle.

Norberto Corral, M.ª Angeles Gil (1984)


The present paper deals with the extension of the likelihood estimation to the situation where the experimentation does not provide exact information but rather vague information.The extension process tries to achieve three fundamental objectives: the new method must be an extension of the maximum likelihood method, it has to be very simple to apply and it must allow for an interesting interpretation.These objectives are achieved herein by using the following concepts: the fuzzy information (introduced...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 349