Displaying 101 – 120 of 122

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Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case

Hocine Fellag (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The one sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an additive outlier is considered. In this paper, we present a formula to compute the size and the power of the test when an AO (additive outlier) occurs at a time k. A small sample case is considered only.

Unit root test under innovation outlier contamination small sample case

Lynda Atil, Hocine Fellag, Karima Nouali (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The two sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an innovation outlier is considered. In this paper, we present three tests; two are usual and one is new. We give formulas computing the size and the power of the three tests when an innovation outlier (IO) occurs at a specified time, say k. Using a comparative study, we show that the new statistic performs better under contamination. A Small sample case is considered only.

Univariate conditioning of copulas

Radko Mesiar, Vladimír Jágr, Monika Juráňová, Magda Komorníková (2008)


The univariate conditioning of copulas is studied, yielding a construction method for copulas based on an a priori given copula. Based on the gluing method, g-ordinal sum of copulas is introduced and a representation of copulas by means of g-ordinal sums is given. Though different right conditionings commute, this is not the case of right and left conditioning, with a special exception of Archimedean copulas. Several interesting examples are given. Especially, any Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula with a given...

Univariate parametric survival analysis using GS-distributions.

Albert Sorribas, José M. Muiño, Montserrat Rué, Joan Fibla (2006)


The GS-distribution is a family of distributions that provide an accurate representation of any unimodal univariate continuous distribution. In this contribution we explore the utility of this family as a general model in survival analysis. We show that the survival function based on the GS-distribution is able to provide a model for univariate survival data and that appropriate estimates can be obtained. We develop some hypotheses tests that can be used for checking the underlying survival model...

Universally typical sets for ergodic sources of multidimensional data

Tyll Krüger, Guido F. Montúfar, Ruedi Seiler, Rainer Siegmund-Schultze (2013)


We lift important results about universally typical sets, typically sampled sets, and empirical entropy estimation in the theory of samplings of discrete ergodic information sources from the usual one-dimensional discrete-time setting to a multidimensional lattice setting. We use techniques of packings and coverings with multidimensional windows to construct sequences of multidimensional array sets which in the limit build the generated samples of any ergodic source of entropy rate below an h 0 with...

Using auxiliary information in statistical function estimation

Sergey Tarima, Dmitri Pavlov (2006)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In many practical situations sample sizes are not sufficiently large and estimators based on such samples may not be satisfactory in terms of their variances. At the same time it is not unusual that some auxiliary information about the parameters of interest is available. This paper considers a method of using auxiliary information for improving properties of the estimators based on a current sample only. In particular, it is assumed that the information is available as a number of estimates based...

Using auxiliary information in statistical function estimation

Sergey Tarima, Dmitri Pavlov (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In many practical situations sample sizes are not sufficiently large and estimators based on such samples may not be satisfactory in terms of their variances. At the same time it is not unusual that some auxiliary information about the parameters of interest is available. This paper considers a method of using auxiliary information for improving properties of the estimators based on a current sample only. In particular, it is assumed that the information is available as a number of estimates based...

Using randomization to improve performance of a variance estimator of strongly dependent errors

Artur Bryk (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a fixed-design regression model with long-range dependent errors which form a moving average or Gaussian process. We introduce an artificial randomization of grid points at which observations are taken in order to diminish the impact of strong dependence. We estimate the variance of the errors using the Rice estimator. The estimator is shown to exhibit weak (i.e. in probability) consistency. Simulation results confirm this property for moderate and large sample sizes when randomization...

Using the one-versus-rest strategy with samples balancing to improve pairwise coupling classification

Wiesław Chmielnicki, Katarzyna Stąpor (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The simplest classification task is to divide a set of objects into two classes, but most of the problems we find in real life applications are multi-class. There are many methods of decomposing such a task into a set of smaller classification problems involving two classes only. Among the methods, pairwise coupling proposed by Hastie and Tibshirani (1998) is one of the best known. Its principle is to separate each pair of classes ignoring the remaining ones. Then all objects are tested against...

Uso del estadístico Dn de Kolmogorov-Smirnov en inferencia paramétrica.

Angel Felipe Ortega (1988)

Trabajos de Estadística

Se estudia un método de estimación paramétrica basado en la minimización del estadístico Dn de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Se prueba la existencia y unicidad de este estimador en familias de distribuciones monótonas en alguno de sus parámetros y se compara computacionalmente con el método de máxima verosimilitud.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 122