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Une représentation graphique de la liaison statistique entre deux variables ordonnées

Éric Térouanne (1995)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Le stéréogramme de liaison est une représentation graphique simultanée de la distribution conjointe de deux variables ordonnées, de leurs distributions marginales, et de la densité de la première par rapport au produit des deux autres. On y lit une forme de liaison statistique qui est introduite sous le nom de liaison blackienne et dont on discute les rapports avec la liaison stochastique.

Uniform asymptotic normality for the Bernoulli scheme

Wojciech Niemiro, Ryszard Zieliński (2007)

Applicationes Mathematicae

It is easy to notice that no sequence of estimators of the probability of success θ in a Bernoulli scheme can converge (when standardized) to N(0,1) uniformly in θ ∈ ]0,1[. We show that the uniform asymptotic normality can be achieved if we allow the sample size, that is, the number of Bernoulli trials, to be chosen sequentially.

Uniform Confidence Bands for Local Polynomial Quantile Estimators

Camille Sabbah (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with uniform consistency and uniform confidence bands for the quantile function and its derivatives. We describe a kernel local polynomial estimator of quantile function and give uniform consistency. Furthermore, we derive its maximal deviation limit distribution using an approximation in the spirit of Bickel and Rosenblatt [P.J. Bickel and M. Rosenblatt, Ann. Statist. 1 (1973) 1071–1095].

Uniform deterministic equivalent of additive functionals and non-parametric drift estimation for one-dimensional recurrent diffusions

D. Loukianova, O. Loukianov (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Usually the problem of drift estimation for a diffusion process is considered under the hypothesis of ergodicity. It is less often considered under the hypothesis of null-recurrence, simply because there are fewer limit theorems and existing ones do not apply to the whole null-recurrent class. The aim of this paper is to provide some limit theorems for additive functionals and martingales of a general (ergodic or null) recurrent diffusion which would allow us to have a somewhat unified approach...

Uniform strong consistency of a frontier estimator using kernel regression on high order moments

Stéphane Girard, Armelle Guillou, Gilles Stupfler (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the high order moments estimator of the frontier of a random pair, introduced by [S. Girard, A. Guillou and G. Stupfler, J. Multivariate Anal. 116 (2013) 172–189]. In the present paper, we show that this estimator is strongly uniformly consistent on compact sets and its rate of convergence is given when the conditional cumulative distribution function belongs to the Hall class of distribution functions.

Unimodal contaminations in testing point null hypothesis.

Miguel Angel Gómez-Villegas, Luís Sanz (2003)


The problem of testing a point null hypothesis from the Bayesian perspective is considered. The uncertainties are modelled through use of ε?contamination class with the class of contaminations including: i) All unimodal distributions and ii) All unimodal and symmetric distributions. Over these classes, the infimum of the posterior probability of the point null hypothesis is computed and compared with the p?value and a better approach than the one known is obtained.

Unit root test in the presence of a single additive outlier small sample case

Hocine Fellag, Safia Abdouche (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The one sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an additive outlier is considered. In this paper, we present a formula to compute the size and the power of the test when an AO (additive outlier) occurs at a time k. A small sample case is considered only.

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