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Segmentation of the Poisson and negative binomial rate models: a penalized estimator

Alice Cleynen, Emilie Lebarbier (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the segmentation problem of Poisson and negative binomial (i.e. overdispersed Poisson) rate distributions. In segmentation, an important issue remains the choice of the number of segments. To this end, we propose a penalized -likelihood estimator where the penalty function is constructed in a non-asymptotic context following the works of L. Birgé and P. Massart. The resulting estimator is proved to satisfy an oracle inequality. The performances of our criterion is assessed using simulated...

Selección de la ventana en suavización tipo núcleo de la parte no paramétrica de un modelo parcialmente lineal con errores autorregresivos.

Germán Aneiros Pérez (2000)


Supongamos que yi = ζiT β + m(ti) + εi, i = 1, ..., n, donde el vector (p x 1) β y la función m(·) son desconocidos, y los errores εi provienen de un proceso autorregresivo de orden uno (AR(1)) estacionario. Discutimos aquí el problema de la selección del parámetro ventana de un estimador tipo núcleo de la función m(·) basado en un estimador Generalizado de Mínimos Cuadrados de β. Obtenemos la expresión asintótica de una ventana óptima y proponemos un método para estimarla, de modo que dé lugar...

Semiparametric deconvolution with unknown noise variance

Catherine Matias (2002)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with semiparametric convolution models, where the noise sequence has a gaussian centered distribution, with unknown variance. Non-parametric convolution models are concerned with the case of an entirely known distribution for the noise sequence, and they have been widely studied in the past decade. The main property of those models is the following one: the more regular the distribution of the noise is, the worst the rate of convergence for the estimation of the signal’s density...

Semiparametric deconvolution with unknown noise variance

Catherine Matias (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with semiparametric convolution models, where the noise sequence has a Gaussian centered distribution, with unknown variance. Non-parametric convolution models are concerned with the case of an entirely known distribution for the noise sequence, and they have been widely studied in the past decade. The main property of those models is the following one: the more regular the distribution of the noise is, the worst the rate of convergence for the estimation of the signal's density...

Semiparametric estimation of the parameters of multivariate copulas

Eckhard Liebscher (2009)


In the paper we investigate properties of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimators for the copula density and minimum distance estimators for the copula. We derive statements on the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the estimators for the parameters.

Smoothing and preservation of irregularities using local linear fitting

Irène Gijbels (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

For nonparametric estimation of a smooth regression function, local linear fitting is a widely-used method. The goal of this paper is to briefly review how to use this method when the unknown curve possibly has some irregularities, such as jumps or peaks, at unknown locations. It is then explained how the same basic method can be used when estimating unsmooth probability densities and conditional variance functions.

Smoothness of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and application to entropy estimation

Didier Chauveau, Pierre Vandekerkhove (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The transition kernel of the well-known Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm has a point mass at the chain’s current position, which prevent direct smoothness properties to be derived for the successive densities of marginals issued from this algorithm. We show here that under mild smoothness assumption on the MH algorithm “input” densities (the initial, proposal and target distributions), propagation of a Lipschitz condition for the iterative densities can be proved. This allows us to build a consistent...

Spatial prediction of the mark of a location-dependent marked point process: How the use of a parametric model may improve prediction

Tomáš Mrkvička, François Goreaud, Joël Chadoeuf (2011)


We discuss the prediction of a spatial variable of a multivariate mark composed of both dependent and explanatory variables. The marks are location-dependent and they are attached to a point process. We assume that the marks are assigned independently, conditionally on an unknown underlying parametric field. We compare (i) the classical non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator based on the dependent variable (ii) estimators obtained under an assumption of local parametric model where explanatory...

Spectral density estimation for stationary stable random fields

Rachid Sabre (1995)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a stationary symmetric stable bidimensional process with discrete time, having the spectral representation (1.1). We consider a general case where the spectral measure is assumed to be the sum of an absolutely continuous measure, a discrete measure of finite order and a finite number of absolutely continuous measures on several lines. We estimate the density of the absolutely continuous measure and the density on the lines.

Statistical inference for fault detection: a complete algorithm based on kernel estimators

Piotr Kulczycki (2002)


This article presents a new concept for a statistical fault detection system, including the detection, diagnosis, and prediction of faults. Theoretical material has been collected to provide a complete algorithm making possible the design of a usable system for statistical inference on the basis of the current value of a symptom vector. The use of elements of artificial intelligence enables self-correction and adaptation to changing conditions. The mathematical apparatus is founded on the methodology...

Strong uniform consistency rates of some characteristics of the conditional distribution estimator in the functional single-index model

Amina Angelika Bouchentouf, Tayeb Djebbouri, Abbes Rabhi, Khadidja Sabri (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to establish a nonparametric estimate of some characteristics of the conditional distribution. Kernel type estimators for the conditional cumulative distribution function and for the successive derivatives of the conditional density of a scalar response variable Y given a Hilbertian random variable X are introduced when the observations are linked with a single-index structure. We establish the pointwise almost complete convergence and the uniform almost complete convergence...

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