Displaying 141 – 160 of 194

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Simple large sample estimators of scale and location parameters based on blocks of order statistics.

Peter Kubat (1982)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

In this paper quite efficient large sample estimation procedures are derived for jointly estimating the parameters of the location-scale family of distributions. These estimators are linear combinations of the means of suitably chosen blocks of order statistics. For specific distributions, such as the extreme-value, normal, and logistic, little is to be gained by using more than three blocks. For these distributions we can obtain joint relative asymptotic efficiencies of 97-98% using the means of...

Simple random walk and rank order statistics

Igor Očka (1977)

Aplikace matematiky

The distributions of rank order statistics are studied for the case of arbitrary sample sizes in the two sample problem. The method applied is a generalization of Dwass's method from his paper in Ann. Math. Statist. 38 (1967), based on the analogy of rank order statistics and functions on a simple random walk.

Some limit behavior for linear combinations of order statistics

Yu Miao, Mengyao Ma (2021)


In the present paper, we establish the moderate and large deviations for the linear combinations of uniform order statistics. As applications, the moderate and large deviations for the k -th order statistics from uniform distribution, Gini mean difference statistics and the k -th order statistics from general continuous distribution are obtained.

Sparsity in penalized empirical risk minimization

Vladimir Koltchinskii (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let (X, Y) be a random couple in S×T with unknown distribution P. Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be i.i.d. copies of (X, Y), Pn being their empirical distribution. Let h1, …, hN:S↦[−1, 1] be a dictionary consisting of N functions. For λ∈ℝN, denote fλ:=∑j=1Nλjhj. Let ℓ:T×ℝ↦ℝ be a given loss function, which is convex with respect to the second variable. Denote (ℓ•f)(x, y):=ℓ(y; f(x)). We study the following penalized empirical risk minimization problem λ ^ ε : = argmin λ N P n ( f λ ) + ε λ p p , which is an empirical version of the problem λ ε : = argmin λ N P ( f λ ) + ε λ p p (hereɛ≥0...

Stress-strength based on m -generalized order statistics and concomitant for dependent families

Filippo Domma, Abbas Eftekharian, Mostafa Razmkhah (2019)

Applications of Mathematics

The stress-strength model is proposed based on the m -generalized order statistics and the corresponding concomitant. For the dependency between m -generalized order statistics and its concomitant, a bivariate copula expansion is considered and the stress-strength model is obtained for two special cases of order statistics and upper record values. In the particular case of copula function, the generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern bivariate distribution function is considered with proportional reversed...

Subset selection of the largest location parameter based on L -estimates

Jaroslav Hustý (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The problem of selecting a subset of polulations containing the population with the largest location parameter is considered. As a generalization of selection rules based on sample means and on sample medians, a rule based on L -estimates of location is proposed. This rule is strongly monotone and minimax, the risk being the expected subset size, provided the underlying density has monotone likelihood ratio. The problem of fulfilling the P * -condition is solved explicitly only asymptotically, under...

The analysis of symmetry and asymmetry : orthogonality of decomposition of symmetry into quasi-symmetry and marginal symmetry for multi-way tables

Sadao Tomizawa, Kouji Tahata (2007)

Journal de la société française de statistique

For the analysis of square contingency tables, Caussinus (1965) proposed the quasi-symmetry model and gave the theorem that the symmetry model holds if and only if both the quasi-symmetry and the marginal homogeneity models hold. Bishop, Fienberg and Holland (1975, p.307) pointed out that the similar theorem holds for three-way tables. Bhapkar and Darroch (1990) gave the similar theorem for general multi-way tables. The purpose of this paper is (1) to review some topics on various symmetry models,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 194