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Near-exact distributions for the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic

Luís M. Grilo, Carlos A. Coelho (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Two near-exact distributions for the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic, used to test the independence of several sets of variables with a multivariate normal distribution, are developed for the case where two or more of these sets have an odd number of variables. Using the concept of near-exact distribution and based on a factorization of the exact characteristic function we obtain two approximations, which are very close to the exact distribution but far more manageable. These near-exact distributions...

New estimates and tests of independence in semiparametric copula models

Salim Bouzebda, Amor Keziou (2010)


We introduce new estimates and tests of independence in copula models with unknown margins using φ -divergences and the duality technique. The asymptotic laws of the estimates and the test statistics are established both when the parameter is an interior or a boundary value of the parameter space. Simulation results show that the choice of χ 2 -divergence has good properties in terms of efficiency-robustness.

Number of hidden states and memory: a joint order estimation problem for Markov chains with Markov regime

Antoine Chambaz, Catherine Matias (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with order identification for Markov chains with Markov regime (MCMR) in the context of finite alphabets. We define the joint order of a MCMR process in terms of the number k of states of the hidden Markov chain and the memory m of the conditional Markov chain. We study the properties of penalized maximum likelihood estimators for the unknown order (k, m) of an observed MCMR process, relying on information theoretic arguments. The novelty of our work relies in the joint...

Numerical methods for linear minimax estimation

Norbert Gaffke, Berthold Heiligers (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

We discuss two numerical approaches to linear minimax estimation in linear models under ellipsoidal parameter restrictions. The first attacks the problem directly, by minimizing the maximum risk among the estimators. The second method is based on the duality between minimax and Bayes estimation, and aims at finding a least favorable prior distribution.

Numerical studies of parameter estimation techniques for nonlinear evolution equations

Azmy S. Ackleh, Robert R. Ferdinand, Simeon Reich (1998)


We briefly discuss an abstract approximation framework and a convergence theory of parameter estimation for a general class of nonautonomous nonlinear evolution equations. A detailed discussion of the above theory has been given earlier by the authors in another paper. The application of this theory together with numerical results indicating the feasibility of this general least squares approach are presented in the context of quasilinear reaction diffusion equations.

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