Diskrete Approximation von Eigenwertproblemen. III. Asymptotische Entwicklungen. - Discrete Approximation of Eigenvalue-Problems. III. Asymptotic Expansions.
Two new time-dependent versions of div-curl results in a bounded domain are presented. We study a limit of the product , where the sequences and belong to . In Theorem 2.1 we assume that is bounded in the -norm and is controlled in the -norm. In Theorem 2.2 we suppose that is bounded in the -norm and is controlled in the -norm. The time derivative of is bounded in both cases in the norm of . The convergence (in the sense of distributions) of to the product of weak limits...
The central objective of this paper is to develop reduced basis methods for parameter dependent transport dominated problems that are rigorously proven to exhibit rate-optimal performance when compared with the Kolmogorov n-widths of the solution sets. The central ingredient is the construction of computationally feasible “tight” surrogates which in turn are based on deriving a suitable well-conditioned variational formulation for the parameter dependent problem. The theoretical results are illustrated...
A version of the dynamical systems method (DSM) for solving ill-conditioned linear algebraic systems is studied. An a priori and an a posteriori stopping rules are justified. An iterative scheme is constructed for solving ill-conditioned linear algebraic systems.
In this work, the error behaviour of high-order exponential operator splitting methods for the time integration of nonlinear evolutionary Schrödinger equations is investigated. The theoretical analysis utilises the framework of abstract evolution equations on Banach spaces and the formal calculus of Lie derivatives. The general approach is substantiated on the basis of a convergence result for exponential operator splitting methods of (nonstiff) order p applied to the multi-configuration time-dependent...