A boundary element method for Signorini problems in three dimensions.
In questo lavoro sono dati alcuni modelli matematici per il problema di contatto tra una membrana ed un suolo od ostacolo elastico. Viene costruita una approssimazione lineare a tratti della soluzione e, tramite una disequazione variazionale discreta, se ne dà il corrispondente teorema di convergenza.
We consider a quasistatic contact problem between a viscoelastic material with long-term memory and a foundation. The contact is modelled with a normal compliance condition, a version of Coulomb's law of dry friction and a bonding field which describes the adhesion effect. We derive a variational formulation of the mechanical problem and, under a smallness assumption, we establish an existence theorem of a weak solution including a regularity result. The proof is based on the time-discretization...
A unilateral boundary-value condition at the left end of a simply supported rod is considered. Variational and (equivalent) classical formulations are introduced and all solutions to the classical problem are calculated in an explicit form. Formulas for the energies corresponding to the solutions are also given. The problem is solved and energies of the solutions are compared in the pertubed as well as the unperturbed cases.
In this paper the contact problem for a cylindrical shell and a stiff punch is studied. The existence and uniqueness of a solution is verified. The finite element method is discussed.
In questo lavoro viene risolto il problema del contatto tra una membrana ed un suolo od ostacolo elastico con una approssimazione lineare a tratti della soluzione. Sono date alcune formulazioni equivalenti del problema discreto e se ne discutono le corrispondenti proprietà computazionali.
The present paper deals with numerical solution of the contact problem with given friction. By a suitable choice of multipliers the whole problem is transformed to that of finding a saddle-point of the Lagrangian function on a certain convex set . The approximation of this saddle-point is defined, the convergence is proved and the rate of convergence established. For the numerical realization Uzawa’s algorithm is used. Some examples are given in the conclusion.