Kinetic and hydrodynamic equations for granular media
In this lecture i present some open mathematical problems concerning some PDE arising in the study of one-dimensional models for granular media.
In this lecture i present some open mathematical problems concerning some PDE arising in the study of one-dimensional models for granular media.
We prove the --time decay estimates for the solution of the Cauchy problem for the hyperbolic system of partial differential equations of linear thermoelasticity. In our proof based on the matrix of fundamental solutions to the system we use Strauss-Klainerman’s approach [12], [5] to the --time decay estimates.
Dedicando speciale attenzione all’esempio significativo dei cristalli liquidi di Ericksen [6], viene presentato un apparato assiomatico che consente di dedurre rappresentazioni coerenti delle interazioni d’inerzia e dell’energia cinetica per continui con microstruttura.
The paper deals with numerical realization of contact problems with friction obeying the Coulomb law. The original problem is formulated as the fixed-point problem for a certain operator generated by the variational inequality. This inequality is transformed to a system of variational nonlinear equations generating other operators, in a sense "close" to the above one. The fixed-point problem of these operators is solved by the least-square method in which equations and the corresponding quadratic...
Some critical remarks are made about the theory of Linear Elasticity, questioning on its validity in general. An alternative linear approximation of the exact theory is proposed.
Si dimostra che ci sono valide ragioni per considerare la teoria standard dei vincoli interni, nella meccanica dei continui, insufficientemente generale. In particolare, con l’unica eccezione dell’iperelasticità, l’extra-stress dovrebbe dipendere anche dai moltiplicatori di Lagrange, cioè, dallo stress che non effettua lavoro (virtuale).
In this paper we prove existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence for a one-dimensional time-dependent problem related to a thermo-mechanical model of structural phase transitions in solids. This model assumes the free energy depending on temperature, macroscopic deformation and also on the proportions of the phases. Here we neglect regularizing terms in the momentum balance equation and in the constitutive laws for the phase proportions.
We review some of the most important phenomena due to the phonon-wall collisions in nonlocal heat transport in nanosystems, and show how they may be described through certain slip boundary conditions in phonon hydrodynamics. Heat conduction in nanowires of different cross sections and in thin layers is analyzed, and the dependence of the thermal conductivity on the geometry, as well as on the roughness is pointed out. We also analyze the effects of the roughness of the surface of the pores on the...