On a motion of a ball in a viscous fluid. (Zur Bewegung einer Kugel in einer zähen Flüssigkeit.)
An optimal shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes system is considered. An incompressible, viscous flow in a two-dimensional channel is studied to determine the shape of part of the boundary that minimizes the viscous drag. The adjoint method and the Lagrangian multiplier method are used to derive the optimality system for the shape gradient of the design functional.
The paper examines the steady Navier-Stokes equations in a three-dimensional infinite pipe with mixed boundary conditions (Dirichlet and slip boundary conditions). The velocity of the fluid is assumed to be constant at infinity. The main results show the existence of weak solutions with no restriction on smallness of the flux vector and boundary conditions.
This paper deals with a nonstationary problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with a free slip boundary condition in an exterior domain. We obtain a global in time unique solvability theorem and temporal asymptotic behavior of the global strong solution when the initial velocity is sufficiently small in the sense of Lⁿ (n is dimension). The proof is based on the contraction mapping principle with the aid of estimates for the Stokes semigroup associated with a linearized problem, which is also...
We first outline the procedure of averaging the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations when the flow is turbulent for various type of filters. We introduce the turbulence model called Bardina’s model, for which we are able to prove existence and uniqueness of a distributional solution. In order to reconstruct some of the flow frequencies that are underestimated by Bardina’s model, we next introduce the approximate deconvolution model (ADM). We prove existence and uniqueness of a “regular weak solution”...
The present part of the paper continues the study of the abstract evolution inequality from the first part. Theorem 1 states the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to the evolution inequality under consideration. The proof is based on the method of approximation of the weak solution by a sequence of strong solutions. Theorem 2 yields two regularity results for the strong solution.
This is the last from a series of three papers dealing with variational equations of Navier-Stokes type. It is shown that the theoretical results from the preceding parts (existence and regularity of solutions) can be applied to the problem of motion of a fluid through a tube.
We study the local exact controllability problem for the Navier-Stokes equations that describe an incompressible fluid flow in a bounded domain with control distributed in an arbitrary fixed subdomain. The result that we obtain in this paper is as follows. Suppose that we have a given stationary point of the Navier-Stokes equations and our initial condition is sufficiently close to it. Then there exists a locally distributed control such that in a given moment of time the solution of the Navier-Stokes...
In this paper the fluid-structure interaction problem is studied on a simplified model of the human vocal fold. The problem is mathematically described and the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method is applied in order to treat the time dependent computational domain. The viscous incompressible fluid flow and linear elasticity models are considered. The fluid flow and the motion of elastic body is approximated with the aid of finite element method. An attention is paid to the applied stabilization...
Global existence of regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for velocity and pressure coupled with the heat convection equation for temperature in a cylindrical pipe is shown. We assume the slip boundary conditions for velocity and the Neumann condition for temperature. First we prove long time existence of regular solutions in [kT,(k+1)T]. Having T sufficiently large and imposing some decay estimates on , we continue the local solutions step by step up to a global one.
Numerical simulation of turbulent flows is one of the great challenges in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In general, Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is not feasible due to limited computer resources (performance and memory), and the use of a turbulence model becomes necessary. The paper will discuss several aspects of two approaches of turbulent modeling—Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Variational Multiscale (VMS) models. Topics which will be addressed are the detailed derivation of these...
The local-in-time existence of solutions of the free boundary problem for an incompressible viscous self-gravitating fluid motion is proved. We show the existence of solutions with lowest possible regularity for this problem such that with r>3. The existence is proved by the method of successive approximations where the solvability of the Cauchy-Neumann problem for the Stokes system is applied. We have to underline that in the -approach the Lagrangian coordinates must be used. We are looking...