2 Calcul de Weyl et déformations
The effective dynamics of interacting waves for coupled Schrödinger-Korteweg-de Vries equations over a slowly varying random bottom is rigorously studied. One motivation for studying such a system is better understanding the unidirectional motion of interacting surface and internal waves for a fluid system that is formed of two immiscible layers. It was shown recently by Craig-Guyenne-Sulem [1] that in the regime where the internal wave has a large...
One considers a quantum particle in a 1D moving infinite square potential well. It is a nonlinear control system in which the state is the wave function of the particle and the control is the acceleration of the potential well. One proves the local controllability around any eigenstate, and the steady state controllability (controllability between eigenstates) of this control system. In particular, the wave function can be moved from one eigenstate to another one, exactly and in finite time, by...
In this paper, we prove the convergence of the current defined from the Schrödinger-Poisson system with the presence of a strong magnetic field toward a dissipative solution of the Euler equations.
In this paper, we prove the convergence of the current defined from the Schrödinger-Poisson system with the presence of a strong magnetic field toward a dissipative solution of the Euler equations.
This article is a review of recent results with Phan Thành Nam, Nicolas Rougerie, Sylvia Serfaty and Jan Philip Solovej. We consider a system of bosons with an interaction of intensity (mean-field regime). In the limit , we prove that the first order in the expansion of the eigenvalues of the many-particle Hamiltonian is given by the nonlinear Hartree theory, whereas the next order is predicted by the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian. We also discuss the occurrence of Bose-Einstein condensation in these...