Hidden symmetries of integrable systems in Yang-Mills theory and Kähler geometry
We study a discrete model of the Yang-Mills equations on a combinatorial analog of . Self-dual and anti-self-dual solutions of discrete Yang-Mills equations are constructed. To obtain these solutions we use both the techniques of a double complex and the quaternionic approach.
This note is concerned with the recent paper "Non-topological N-vortex condensates for the self-dual Chern-Simons theory" by M. Nolasco. Modifying her arguments and statements, we show that the existence of "non-topological" multi-vortex condensates follows when the number of prescribed vortex points is greater than or equal to 2.
We describe alternate methods of solution for a model arising in the work of Seiberg and Witten on N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and provide a complete argument for the characterization put forth by Argyres, Faraggi, and Shapere of the curve .
Motivati dall'analisi asintotica dei vortici nella teoria di Chern-Simons-Higgs, si studia l'equazione dove é il toro piatto bidimensionale. In contrasto con l'analogo problema di Dirichlet, si dimostra che per l'equazione ammette una soluzione non banale. Tale soluzione cattura il carattere bidimensionale dell'equazione, nel senso che, per tali valori di , l'equazione non può ammettere soluzioni (periodiche) non banali dipendenti da una sola variabile (vedi [10]).
We prove the existence of the path-integral measure of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory, as a probabilistic Radon measure on the "generalized orbit space" of gauge connections modulo gauge transformations, suitably completed following the approach of Ashtekar and Lewandowski.
We consider a hamiltonian system which, in a special case and under the gauge group SU(2), can be considered as a reduction of the Yang-Mills field equations. We prove explicitly, using the Lax spectral curve technique and the van Moerbeke-Mumford method, that the flows generated by the constants of motion are straight lines on the Jacobi variety of a genus two Riemann surface.
Let be a closed surface, a compact Lie group, with Lie algebra , and a principal -bundle. In earlier work we have shown that the moduli space of central Yang-Mills connections, with reference to appropriate additional data, is stratified by smooth symplectic manifolds and that the holonomy yields a homeomorphism from onto a certain representation space , in fact a diffeomorphism, with reference to suitable smooth structures and , where denotes the universal central extension of...