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Problema de contratación de carretilleros para un almacén de productos manufacturados.

Cristina Rocío Delgado, Silvia Casado, Jesús Francisco Alegre (2002)


En este trabajo se analiza un problema planteado recientemente a sus autores por una empresa fabricante de componentes de automóviles. Dicha empresa almacena sus productos manufacturados hasta que los clientes (compradores) pasan a recogerlos. Los clientes solicitan sus productos con una frecuencia conocida. Se trata de determinar, en función de dichas frecuencias, en qué fechas y a qué horas o slots han de pasar los clientes a recoger sus pedidos. Fijado el horizonte temporal objeto de estudio,...

Regularity properties of optimal transportation problems arising in hedonic pricing models

Brendan Pass (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study a form of optimal transportation surplus functions which arise in hedonic pricing models. We derive a formula for the Ma–Trudinger–Wang curvature of these functions, yielding necessary and sufficient conditions for them to satisfy (A3w). We use this to give explicit new examples of surplus functions satisfying (A3w), of the form b(x,y) = H(x + y) where H is a convex function on ℝn. We also show that the distribution of equilibrium contracts in this hedonic pricing model is absolutely continuous...

Representation of equilibrium solutions to the table problem of growing sandpiles

Piermarco Cannarsa, Pierre Cardaliaguet (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In the dynamical theory of granular matter the so-called table problem consists in studying the evolution of a heap of matter poured continuously onto a bounded domain Ω 2 . The mathematical description of the table problem, at an equilibrium configuration, can be reduced to a boundary value problem for a system of partial differential equations. The analysis of such a system, also connected with other mathematical models such as the Monge–Kantorovich problem, is the object of this paper. Our main...

Sharp summability for Monge transport density via interpolation

Luigi De Pascale, Aldo Pratelli (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ. 14 (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale et al. [Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an L p source is also an L p function for any 1 p + .

Sharp summability for Monge Transport density via Interpolation

Luigi De Pascale, Aldo Pratelli (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ.14 (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale et al. [Bull. London Math. Soc.36 (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an Lp source is also an Lp function for any 1 p + .

Synchronized traffic plans and stability of optima

Marc Bernot, Alessio Figalli (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The irrigation problem is the problem of finding an efficient way to transport a measure μ+ onto a measure μ-. By efficient, we mean that a structure that achieves the transport (which, following [Bernot, Caselles and Morel, Publ. Mat.49 (2005) 417–451], we call traffic plan) is better if it carries the mass in a grouped way rather than in a separate way. This is formalized by considering costs functionals that favorize this property. The aim of this paper is to introduce a dynamical cost functional...

Tarification par des jeux coopératifs avec demandes élastiques

F. Bendali, J. Mailfert, A. Quilliot (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Nous proposons ici un modèle de Tarification basé sur une extension du formalisme des Jeux Coopératifs et qui prend en compte la notion d’Élasticité de la Demande. Nous présentons pour ce modèle un résultat d’existence ainsi qu’un algorithme de calcul associé. Nous interprétons enfin ce nouveau concept dans le cas d’un problème de production et nous le prolongeons au cas d’un problème de transport.

Tarification par des jeux Coopératifs avec Demandes Élastiques

F. Bendali, J. Mailfert, A. Quilliot (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We propose here a pricing Model which is an extension of the Cooperative Game concept and which includes a notion of Elastic Demand. We present some existence results as well as some algorithms. We conclude by discussing this model in the context of some Production and Transportation problems.

The inverse carrier problem

Grant B. Gustafson, Miroslav Laitoch (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The problem was motivated by Borůvka’s definitions of the carrier and the associated carrier. The inverse carrier problem is precisely defined and partially solved. Examples are given.

The logistic decision making in management accounting with genetic algorithms and fuzzy sets.

Enrique López González, M. Angel Rodríguez-Fernández, Cristina Mendaña-Cuervo (2000)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The logistics problems in business environments deal with assignation from a number of sources to a number of destinations. Each source offers amounts of goods, while each destination demands quantities of these goods. The object is to find the cheapest transporting schedule that satisfies the demand without violating supply restraints. In this paper we propose to use Fuzzy Sets to represent the previsional information related to costs, demands and other variables. Moreover, we suggest including...

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