On the relationship between regression analysis and mathematical programming.
We investigate diverse separation properties of two convex polyhedral sets for the case when there are parameters in one row of the constraint matrix. In particular, we deal with the existence, description and stability properties of the separating hyperplanes of such convex polyhedral sets. We present several examples carried out on PC. We are also interested in supporting separation (separating hyperplanes support both the convex polyhedral sets at given faces) and permanent separation (a hyperplane...
We consider optimal distributed and boundary control problems for semilinear parabolic equations, where pointwise constraints on the control and pointwise mixed control-state constraints of bottleneck type are given. Our main result states the existence of regular Lagrange multipliers for the state-constraints. Under natural assumptions, we are able to show the existence of bounded and measurable Lagrange multipliers. The method is based on results from the theory of continuous linear programming...
La finance de marché est devenue un des domaines d'ap- plication privilégiés de la recherche opérationnelle. D'un autre côté, rares sont les applications touchant la banque de détail, tournée vers le grand public. Dans ce papier, nous abordons un problème d'actualité dans le secteur bancaire français : l'optimisation de plans de financement immobiliers. Le travail que nous présentons a été effectué dans le cadre du développement par la société Experian-Prologia d'une nouvelle application d'instruction...